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Mandate of the EEA To provide the Community and Member States with:

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Presentation on theme: "Mandate of the EEA To provide the Community and Member States with:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mandate of the EEA To provide the Community and Member States with:
objective, reliable and comparable information enabling them to take the requisite measures to protect the environment, to assess the results of such measures and to ensure that the public is properly informed about the state of the environment.

2 Mandate of the EEA To publish a report on the state of, trends in and prospects for the environment every 5 years Supplemented by indicator reports focusing on specific issues

3 EUROWATERNET is: The process by which the EEA obtains the information on water resources (quality and quantity), state and pressures it needs to satisfy its mandate It is based on existing national networks and dataflows are channelled through the EEA network: EIONET

4 Representative information
Representative of: Europe - all regions country water types within each country pressures placed on the water environment policies in place - effectiveness changes with time emerging/unforeseen issues

5 Physical characteristics and pressure information for rivers
Geographic location Catchment area upstream of station Altitude at station River discharge at station Station name River name River catchment Population density Corine Land Cover (or equivalent) % Urban area % Total agriculture % Arable agriculture % Pasture % Forest

6 Maps Presentation of indicators, data and information on maps of:
river, lakes, groundwater bodies and marine waters River catchments and Sea drainage basins Web based tools for presentation Publish in NATLAN Inter Regional (Sea) Forum working group on GIS  common strategy between IRF-organisation and EEA



9 Sea Drainage Basins GISCO Catchments Map: 1:10 Million Scale.

10 Assessment tools Derivation of proxy pressure information using CORINE LC data and other datasets Derivation of physical characteristic information Assessment of state/impact in relation to pressures

11 Intensive agriculture

12 Type of zone

13 Selected representative stations



16 Role of the EEA and EUROWATERNET
Water Framework Directive Identification of reference conditions for the surface water body types EEA EUROWATERNET selection criteria and network could help with this process

17 Role of the EEA and EUROWATERNET
Water Framework Direct. significant pressures and impact of human activity EEA/EUROWATERNET Guidelines for European emissions inventory including relationship with IPPC Directive, HARP and other initiatives Proxy indicators based on Corine Land cover Eurowaternet-Quantity criteria and harmonised definitions with Eurostat

18 Monitoring required by the Water Framework Directive
Surface water monitoring network should: provide a coherent and comprehensive overview of ecological and chemical status, and ecological potential within each river basin and allow classification of water bodies be shown on maps in River Basin Management Plan. Have an acceptable level of precision and confidence Be operational within 6 years

19 Surveillance monitoring
“Surveillance monitoring shall be carried out of sufficient surface water bodies to provide an assessment of the overall surface water status within each catchment or sub catchments within the River Basin District.

20 Water Framework Directive -operational monitoring
status of bodies at risk of failing EOs, and changes in status from programmes of measures. sufficient monitoring points in bodies at risk from significant point and diffuse source pressures, representative of relative risks of occurrence and of failure to achieve good status

21 Comparison of EUROWATERNET and Water Framework Directive
Basic network Fully representative network Impact network Water Framework Directive Surveillance monitoring Operational monitoring Investigative monitoring

22 Concluding comments There is overlap in the national datasets needed to formulate the RBMPs for the WFD and what is needed by EEA for its reports It is strongly recommended that countries make these non-mandatory datasets available within the mandatory GIS maps The datasets could be reported through EUROWATERNET or the GIS reporting framework for the WFD

23 Concluding comments Recommended that reporting is through EUROWATERNET because of the different time and geographic scales reported by EEA compared with the WFD Support the development by JRC of a common river/lake catchment and river/lake network GIS, and a digitised European map of groundwater - all with a common European coding system

24 Concluding comments INSPIRE - DG ENV led initiative to set up an European Spatial Data Infrastructure is the appropriate framework for the current initiatives between Commission, JRC, EEA and Member States

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