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7Y MAIN: Waffles, potato wedge, Syrup

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1 7Y 10-27-2014 MAIN: Waffles, potato wedge, Syrup
Alternate: Egg and Sausage with cheese on English Muffin Do Now/Schedule of tasks: Label each colony in your map. Draw arrows from their name to their area in the map. Color using colored pencils. Read Section 3: The Middle Colonies with your partner. Brainstorm with your partner which colony you think is best.

2 Things to consider when picking your colony
Political – democracy, royal governors, etc. Social – diversity and equality Economic – jobs, wealth, etc. Religious – diversity and freedom Relationship with Natives

3 Groups Andrew, Isaac, Blake, and Aaron Niamh, Ali, Sam, and Luke
Reid, Bobby, Charlie, and Nick Lilly, Julia, Samuel, and Tim Bridget, Jack, and Oisin, (Annie)

4 Debate Format Round 1: Introduction: What colony do you think is best and why? Round 2: (attack/rebuttal): why are the other colonies that the other groups mentioned not as good as your colony? How is yours better? Round 3: (respond/repair): respond to the argument of other groups that your colony is not as good as theirs. Give specific evidence. Round 4: Closing: Summarize the main points of your argument.



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