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Basic Anxiety and Depression in Teens & What To Do About It

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Presentation on theme: "Basic Anxiety and Depression in Teens & What To Do About It"— Presentation transcript:

1 Basic Anxiety and Depression in Teens & What To Do About It
Kenneth Smith, MS, MA, LPCC Spirit of Peace Clinical Counseling This presentation can be found at

2 Signs of Depression and Anxiety in Teens (symptoms will often develop over time)
Things that once brought joy no longer do More irritability Trouble concentrating Reduction in energy Increase in negative self talk Noticeable changes in weight without trying May wake early Feelings of being nervous or edgy Not being able to stop worrying Restlessness Easily annoyed or irritated Fear of bad things happening, no matter how unlikely May have a hard time falling asleep or have anxiety-based dreams

3 Screening Tools for Depression and Anxiety in Teens
These are screening tools. Mental health disorders can only be diagnosed by a licensed mental health or medical provider. These are for screening and informational use only.

4 A 10 or higher score on the PHQ 9 may indicate depression in teens
PHQ (9) Adolescents Can be found at

5 A score of 8 or higher on the GAD-7 may indicate an Anxiety Disorder
This screening tool can be found at

6 Talking points to help your teen with anxiety or depression issues
You are what you do, not what you feel. Emphasize that feelings are not who a person is, but how a person chooses to act. It is normal to be anxious and depressed sometimes. Suffering in life is normal and should not be a source of shame/guilt. There are ways of improving anxiety and depression. Even major depression and anxiety are very treatable. Encourage your teen to talk openly about feelings of anxiety and depression. Make it clear that you are open to talking about any feelings of self harm or suicide in a calm way.

7 5 Ways to help/prevent anxiety and depression
Get exercise Limit time on electronics and social media Encourage teen to develop healthy social connections Foster teen’s faith and religious life There are many books/web resources to help teens with anxiety and depression

8 Deep Breathing Exercise
Deep Breathing for Relaxation… How it Works: There are different types of deep breathing strategies, but the simplest involves sitting in a chair with your back straight and your arms on the armrests. You take a deep, slow breath in through your nose lasting close to 5 or 6 seconds. You then hold for a few seconds, and breathe out slowly through your mouth, taking close to 7 seconds (breathe out like you're whistling). Repeat 10 times. Additional Thoughts: **Deep breathing can be difficult at first and not very relaxing. It takes some practice. But once you've gotten used to it, it becomes much easier. You'll find that the deep breaths calm you the most by your 10th breath and should lower your blood pressure as well. As you improve, you can lengthen the number of breaths to 20 From

9 See for this presentation

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