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CCE/CV measurements with irradiated p-type MCz diodes

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1 CCE/CV measurements with irradiated p-type MCz diodes
RD50 CCE/CV measurements with irradiated p-type MCz diodes Herbert Hoedlmosera, Michael Molla, Henri Nordlundb (a: CERN, b: Helsinki University of Technology) RD50 Workshop Praha, Contents CCE setup Commissioning measurements Measurements on irradiated p-type MCz Annealing of irradiated p-type MCz RD50 Workshop Praha 2006 Herbert Hoedlmoser

2 Setup: NIKHEF CCE system © Fred Hartjes
RD50 RD50 Workshop Praha 2006 Herbert Hoedlmoser

3 refrigerator “Environment” NIKHEF CCE system © Fred Hartjes CV/IV box
RD50 NIKHEF CCE system © Fred Hartjes CV/IV box refrigerator RD50 Workshop Praha 2006 Herbert Hoedlmoser

4 Setup: detector mounting
RD50 …bonded to PCB support RD50 Workshop Praha 2006 Herbert Hoedlmoser

5 CCE: measurement parameters
RD50 signal shaping time: 2.5 µs Gain calibration factor: 245 e-/mV temperature: down to -30 oC with fridge + peltier bias: up to 1000 V noise: 567e e- /pF trigger rate with 90Sr source: ≈ Hz guard ring: connected to ground RD50 Workshop Praha 2006 Herbert Hoedlmoser

6 Investigated material
RD50 ITC-IRST square MG diodes n+/p (batch SMART2) 300 μm MCz W066 – series: p-spray dose = 3 x 1012 cm-2 W182 – series: p-spray dose = 5 x 1012 cm-2 Irradiation: 24 GeV/c CERN/PS up to Φ = 1016 cm-2 Die dimension: (5920 μm)2 Diode area (p+ implant): mm2 Metal hole area: mm2 (Φ 2.4 mm) 1 Large guard (~90 μm) + 10 float rings RD50 Workshop Praha 2006 Herbert Hoedlmoser

7 CCE: measurement & analysis
RD50 Example: p-type MCz IRST-W irradiation: Φ= 3.5×1014 p/cm2 temperature: -10 oC annealing: oC bias: 200 V pedestal measurement deconvoluted landau distribution RD50 Workshop Praha 2006 Herbert Hoedlmoser

8 CCE: measurement & analysis
RD50 Φ=1E14 p/cm2 RD50 Workshop Praha 2006 Herbert Hoedlmoser

9 CCE: comparison to CV ….but how meaningful is this comparison? RD50
1 = 1/(6.7 pF)2 ….but how meaningful is this comparison? W / Φ=1E14 p/cm2 RD50 Workshop Praha 2006 Herbert Hoedlmoser

10 CCE: comparison to CV??? RD50 1 = e- 1 = 1/(6.7 pF)2 W / Φ=1E14 p/cm2 ….considering the T-dependencies in the measurements of irradiated detectors! RD50 Workshop Praha 2006 Herbert Hoedlmoser

11 CCE for irradiated detectors
RD50 irradiation: 24 GeV/c protons annealing: 4 80 oC RD50 Workshop Praha 2006 Herbert Hoedlmoser

12 CCE as a function of fluence
RD50 irradiation: 24 GeV/c protons annealing: 4 80 oC RD50 Workshop Praha 2006 Herbert Hoedlmoser

13 VDEP as a function of fluence
RD50 CV room temperature irradiation: 24 GeV/c protons annealing: 4 80 oC RD50 Workshop Praha 2006 Herbert Hoedlmoser

14 IV measurements @ room temperature
Leakage current RD50 IV room temperature α(24 GeV p) = 3.04 x [A cm-1] α(1 MeV n eq.) = 4.9 x [A cm-1] irradiation: 24 GeV/c protons annealing: 4 80 oC RD50 Workshop Praha 2006 Herbert Hoedlmoser

15 Annealing study Annealing study with one of the irradiated detectors:
RD50 Annealing study with one of the irradiated detectors: 80 oC IRST-W irradiation: Φ= 3.5×1014 p/cm2 CCE: 300 V measurements: -10 oC -10 oC RT RD50 Workshop Praha 2006 Herbert Hoedlmoser

16 IRST-W066-22 irradiation: Φ= 3.5×1014 p/cm2
Annealing: VDEP RD50 IRST-W irradiation: Φ= 3.5×1014 p/cm2 preliminary evaluation: ΔNeff ≈ 5E12 cm-3 ΔNeff/Φ(24 GeV/c p) ≈ 0.014 ΔNeff/Φ(1 MeV/c n) ≈ 0.023 RD50 Workshop Praha 2006 Herbert Hoedlmoser

17 Annealing: leakage current
RD50 IRST-W irradiation: Φ= 3.5×1014 p/cm2 RD50 Workshop Praha 2006 Herbert Hoedlmoser

18 only depletion changes, maximum CCE remains at 82%
Annealing: CCE RD50 IRST-W irradiation: Φ= 3.5×1014 p/cm2 only depletion changes, maximum CCE remains at 82% RD50 Workshop Praha 2006 Herbert Hoedlmoser

19 Summary RD50 CCE/CV/IV measured for p-type MCz diodes irradiated up to fluences of GeV/c p/cm CCE(300V): 1.2E14 p/cm (7.4E13 1MeV/c n/cm2) 1.1E15 p/cm2 (6.8E14 1MeV/c n/cm2) Annealing of an irradiated diode changes depletion voltage and leakage current but not CCE CCE setup ready to investigate further detectors RD50 Workshop Praha 2006 Herbert Hoedlmoser

20 Material: standard p-type and oxygenated (DOFZ) p-type
RD50 Workshop Praha 2006 Herbert Hoedlmoser

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