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Query Optimization.

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1 Query Optimization

2 Very Big Picture A query execution plan is a program.
There are many of them. The optimizer is trying to chose a good one. Hence, the optimizer is reasoning about programs. Key: cost model, search space. Compilers don’t have cost models. Why?

3 More Detail, but Still Big Picture
Parse the SQL query into a logical tree: identify distinct blocks (corresponding to nested sub-queries or views). Query rewrite phase: SQL-to-SQL transforms apply algebraic transformations to yield a cheaper plan. Merge blocks and move predicates between blocks. Optimize each block: join ordering. Complete the optimization: select scheduling (pipelining strategy).

4 Query Rewrite Summary The optimizer can use any semantically correct rule to transform one query to another. Rules try to: move constraints between blocks (because each will be optimized separately) Unnest blocks Especially important in decision support applications where queries are very complex. Rules can be very tricky!

5 The Course in Perspective
The relational data model, SQL Views, updates, transactions Conceptual design Expressing the constraints on the domain Using them to get good schema designs XML A format for data exchange. Has its own query language. Basis for web services.

6 Perspective (continued)
Building a database system: Storage and indexing Query execution (join algorithms) Query optimization Data integration and sharing: Databases were created independently Schemas need to be matched Need to access multiple databases in one query.

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