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Be Hospitable to One Another

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1 Be Hospitable to One Another
Text: 1 Peter 4:7-10 4/19/2019

2 Defining Hospitable The American Heritage Dictionary: “1. a. Welcoming guests with warmth and generosity. b. Fond of entertaining. c. Well-disposed toward strangers. 2. Having an open and charitable mind; receptive....” Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary: “1 a : given to generous and cordial reception of guests b : promising or suggesting generous and cordial welcome c : offering a pleasant or sustaining environment 2 : readily receptive : open <hospitable to new ideas….” 4/19/2019

3 Defining Hospitable Thayer: “love to strangers, hospitality....” (#5381, 654) Vine: “love of strangers (philos, loving, xenos, a stranger), is used in Rom. 12:13; Heb. 13:2, lit. ‘(be not forgetful of) hospitality.’“ (565) 4/19/2019

4 The Importance of Hospitality
The Law of Moses commanded benevolence to strangers. (Ex. 22:21-22; Lev. 29:33-34) Hospitality is commanded by Christ. (Rom. 12:13) 4/19/2019

5 Hospitality Is Commanded by Christ
We are to pursue hospitality (Rom. 12:13) We are not to neglect hospitality (Heb. 13:2) We are to “use hospitality” in service to one another. (1 Pet. 4:9) Hospitality is a responsibility for every Christian (1 Pet. 4:7-10; Matt. 28:18-20) Exercising hospitality is an opportunity to manifest our love for Christ. (John 14:15) 4/19/2019

6 Hospitality Is a Characteristic of God’s People
Abraham and Lot entertained angels (Gen. 18:1-8; 19:1-11) Job opened his doors to travelers (Job 31:31-32) The widow and her son at Zaraphath showed hospitality to Elijah (1 Kgs. 17:1-8) The Shunamite woman and her husband showed hospitality to Elisha (2 Kings 4:8-11) The good Samaritan showed hospitality to a Jew (Lk. 10:25-37) Early Christians showed hospitality (Acts 2:44-47) Lydia constrained Paul and his companions to stay with her (Acts 16:33-34) Paul and his companions relied on the hospitality of the saints. (Acts 17:1-7; 18:1-11; 21:1-8; Rom. 16:23;) Gaius showed hospitality to his brethren. (3 Jn. 5-6) 4/19/2019

7 The Importance of Hospitality
The Law of Moses commanded benevolence to strangers (Ex. 22:21-22; Lev. 29:33-34) Hospitality is commanded by Christ (Rom. 12:13) Hospitality is a characteristic of God’s people Hospitality is an outgrowth of Christian love (1 Pet. 4:8-9) Hospitality is a qualification of an elder (1 Tim. 3:2; Tit. 1:7-8) Hospitality is a qualification for a widow in deed (1 Tim. 5:9-10) 4/19/2019

8 The Importance of Hospitality
Hospitality is important in our efforts to teach others Hospitality helps promote peace and unity Hospitality can encourage young people Hospitality can help prevent apostasy (1 Cor. 15:33) Hospitality can help in effective church discipline (1 Cor. 5:1-13) Hospitality can transform a dead church into an active, working congregation Hospitality may mean the difference between heaven and hell (Matt. 25:31-46) 4/19/2019

9 How to Practice Hospitality
Regularly (Rom. 12:13) To one another (1 Pet. 4:8-9) Without grumbling (1 Pet. 4:8-9) Without recompense (Luke 14:12-14) Without fanfare (Matt. 10:42) 4/19/2019

10 Excuses “I’m too busy” “The house is a wreck and my furniture is shabby” “There’s nothing in the house to eat” “I don’t know what to say while entertaining” “Being around people makes me nervous” “My wife doesn’t like to have company” “My mate is not a Christian” 4/19/2019

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