Answering Short Constructed Response Questions

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1 Answering Short Constructed Response Questions
Modified from Literacy TA file:///Users/sunnywilliams/Downloads/ela-grade-6-sample-questions.pdf

2 How to Attack Prompts 1. Circle Verbs of What You Have to Do
2. Underline Question/What You Have to Do 3. Box Audience-If provided. If not, write teacher on the bottom and box. 4. Cloud the Source You are to Use-if Given Memorize these steps—what is underlined above. You will have a quiz on them as well as applying them.

3 Verbs and What the Mean—Memorize for Quiz—1/28
Analyze To examine parts and see how they fit together Compare To look at similarities and differences Construct To make or create Describe To show what something is like Evaluate Make a decision or judgment Explain To make clear by giving reasons Formulate To develop an idea based on information Identify To name or list Infer To draw a conclusion beyond what is stated Interpret To explain the meaning of Predict To tell what will happen next Summarize To briefly state the main points Support To give facts or examples Trace To describe a path or sequence

4 Practice the Steps 1. You have been chosen to lead a discussion with a small group of classmates. In your Answer Document, describe two strategies or techniques you would use to lead the group discussion in a constructive way.

5 Practice the Steps 2. Before Europeans settled in Ohio, forests covered most of the area. Today, much of that forest is gone. In your Answer Document, identify two ways that settlers or later Ohioans used the forests. Then choose one of the ways and explain a positive consequence and a negative consequence of using the forest that way. Provide evidence from the article, “Using the Forests for Good or Bad.”

6 Practice the Steps 3. Flagstone Middle School pays for new band instruments with profits from its vending machines. The biggest seller is Monster Cola. But a recent study, “Cola’s Effects on Teens,” reports that drinks with caffeine, such as Monster Cola, may cause children’s sleep problems. Flagstone’s principal wants to remove Monster Cola and other caffeinated drinks from the school’s vending machines. In your Answer Document, identify one possible disadvantage of the principal’s decision and explain why it is a disadvantage. Cite evidence from the study, “Cola’s Effects on Teens.”

7 Practice the Steps 4. The Framers began writing the Constitution of the United States in May 1787, but it was not ratified by all thirteen states until May One of the issues debated during the Constitutional Convention was the congressional representation of enslaved Africans. In your Answer Document, explain the positions of both Northern delegates and Southern delegates on the issue of congressional representation of enslaved Africans using details from both texts.

8 Practice the Steps 5. The British Parliament’s decision to tax the American colonists caused conflict between the colonies and Britain. Read the following quotations from a British newspaper and a Massachusetts colonist. “The Colonies were acquired with no other view than to be a convenience to us, and therefore it can never be imagined that we are to consult their interest.” —The London Chronicle, 1764 “If our trade be taxed, why not our lands, or produce ... in short, everything we possess? They tax us without having legal representation. —Samuel Adams, 1765 In your Answer Document, compare how these two authors differ in their opinions about taxing the colonies.

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