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Barriers to Engagement

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1 Barriers to Engagement
CHAPTER 6 No Yes Resolve by conversation Initiate Process Assess Front of System No Signals Defense Active Feelings Anxiety Take History CHAPTER 7 Striated CPD or Smooth Signals No Signals Press on and Clarify Defense Search for Cause of no signals Press on Feelings Reduce Anxiety Monitor Parameters: Degree of Rise, Discharge pathways, defense patterns, syntonic vs dystonic, height of thresholds Psychodiagnostic Assessment Feel Feelings Go Flat: thresholds to CPD, Primitive defense, Repression Defend High Resistance Low Resistance Moderate Resistance High Resistance with Repression Mild to Moderate Fragility Severe Fragility Clarify challenge Defense Head on Collision Syntonic dystonic Small then bigger breakthroughs of CTF Strengthen and Follow UTA Handle Tactical Defense Focus on Grief Clarify challenge defense Press to feelings. Follow UTA Psychic Integration: overcome splits, Projection to make integrated but anxious person Graded Format: Cycles of Pressure or Bracing And Recapitulation Monitor thresholds Focus on Guilt about rage to build capacity 1-5 Sessions Process grief CHAPTERS 12-16 Repeated unlocking Working through to termination in 5-20 Sessions Repeated unlocking Working through to Phase of termination in 20-40 Sessions ISTDP Treatment Repeated partial then major unlocking Working through to Phase of termination in Sessions A Abbass 2018

2 Barriers to Engagement
No Yes Resolve by conversation Initiate Process Assess Front of System No Signals Defense Active Feelings Anxiety Take History Striated CPD or Smooth Signals No Signals Search for Cause of no signals A Abbass 2018

3 A Abbass 2018 Psychodiagnostic Assessment Press on and Clarify Defense
Feelings Reduce Anxiety Monitor Parameters: Degree of Rise, Discharge pathways, defense patterns, syntonic vs dystonic, height of thresholds Psychodiagnostic Assessment Feel Feelings Go Flat: thresholds to CPD, Primitive defense, Repression Defend Moderate Resistance High Resistance High Resistance with Repression Mild to Moderate Fragility Severe Fragility Low Resistance A Abbass 2018

4 A Abbass 2018 ISTDP Treatment Moderate Resistance High Resistance
with Repression Mild to Moderate Fragility Severe Fragility Low Resistance Handle Tactical Defense Focus on Grief Clarify challenge defense Press to feelings. Follow UTA Clarify challenge Defense Head on Collision Syntonic dystonic Small then bigger breakthroughs of CTF Strengthen and Follow UTA Psychic Integration: overcome splits, Projection to make integrated but anxious person Graded Format: Cycles of Pressure or Bracing And Recapitulation Monitor thresholds Focus on Guilt about rage to build capacity 1-5 Sessions Process grief Repeated unlocking Working through to termination in 5-20 Sessions Repeated unlocking Working through to Phase of termination in 20-40 Sessions ISTDP Treatment Repeated partial then major unlocking Working through to Phase of termination in Sessions A Abbass 2018

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