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How I used GIMP to process my astronomical sketches

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Presentation on theme: "How I used GIMP to process my astronomical sketches"— Presentation transcript:

1 How I used GIMP to process my astronomical sketches

2 Open original image in GIMP

3 Rotate it to correct orientation

4 Invert colours

5 Chose selection tool

6 Select object by taking mouse to start point, pressing and holding down left mouse button whilst drawing around object until get back to start point

7 Use Gaussian blur to turn lines into smudges – choose settings to reflect look you want

8 Result of Gaussian Blur

9 Whilst still having selected the object, now use levels and brightness/contrast to adjust look
Selecting levels (left), and initial levels setting (below) Levels setting after adjustment (left)

10 Saving final image

11 Final result

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