Vocabulary Memory Cards--Sample

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1 Vocabulary Memory Cards--Sample
EasyCode Foundations Vocabulary Memory Cards--Sample

2 computer program

3 --A set of instructions which are simple tasks provided to the computer

4 statement

5 --An element which expresses some action to be carried out The instructions in a computer program are statements

6 functions

7 -- The set of actions that an object can do

8 object

9 --Everything in the scene we can interact with Ex: bush, bridge, banana, turtle

10 argument

11 -- The input that we add to the function (the action)

12 syntax

13 -- The rules that are used to write and read programming languages

14 simple loop

15 --A sequence of instructions that repeats a specified number of times

16 variable

17 -- stores data for use when needed x= 20
identifier (can be any letter or word) value

18 distanceTo

19 --Function used with an object
--Function used with an object. Computer gives “return value” (computes distance) Ex: distanceTo banana Can be combined with variables Ex: x = distanceTo banana step x

20 array

21 -- A group of objects, which share a common name and are usually of the same type.

22 element

23 --Each object in an array

24 index

25 --The number used to tell which element in an array. Starts with 0.

26 array indexing

27 If there are 5 bananas on the screen the first banana is: bananas[0]
name of the array Index will be 0,1,2,3 or 4 brackets

28 for loop

29 --repeating an action to all the elements in an array individually Has a loop variable and array
From challenge #56: The 6 bananas belong to an array called bananas. for (this tells the computer that there is a "for" loop here) b (definition of the loop variable) in (part of the "for" loop) bananas (the name of the array) turnTo b (b is the loop variable that refers to an object in the array) step distanceTo b (b is the loop variable that refers to an object in the array) for b in bananas turnTo b step distanceTo b

30 iteration

31 --the process of performing a function to every object in a collection If there is a collection of turtles, you would say that you iterate over the collection of turtles. Ex: for t in turtles t.step 10

32 nested loops

33 --a loop inside of a loop
When using a nested for loop, the inner loop is fully executed over and over. For every element of the outer loop, the inner loop is executed from start to end, then the whole process repeats for the next element in the other loop, and so on. Challenge 70

34 Where to find more Vocabulary Words
This card set is a sample. To find additional vocabulary words, look in the Details tab of the challenge.

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