Artificial Intelligence 10. Neural Networks

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Presentation on theme: "Artificial Intelligence 10. Neural Networks"— Presentation transcript:

1 Artificial Intelligence 10. Neural Networks
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST) Yoshimasa Tsuruoka

2 Outline Regression Neural networks Lecture slides Linear regression
Gradient descent Neural networks Back propagation Lecture slides

3 Linear regression Input: vector Output: numerical value Example
Predict the level of comfortableness from temperature and humidity Temperature Humidity Comfortable 27 45% 25% 32 82% 3% 20 53% 78% 13 34% 18%

4 Optimizing the weight vector
Minimize the sum of squared errors

5 Gradient descent Move in the direction of the negative gradient

6 Optimizing the weight vector
Squared errors summed over the whole training samples Squared error on a particular sample n Stochastic gradient computed from sample n

7 Neural networks Two-layer neural network Hidden Layer Output Input
Activation Input Output Output

8 Activation function Transforms the activation level of a unit into an output

9 Optimizing the weight vector
Error w.r.t. a particular sample n Gradient First layer Second layer

10 Gradient Second layer Error

11 Gradient First layer

12 Gradient In summary, Error in the first layer

13 Back propagation Backward propagation of errors
The same technique can be applied to neural networks with more than one layer of hidden units

14 Neural networks Capacity of approximating an arbitrary function
Prone to overfitting The error function is not convex Gradient descent can only give you local minima

15 Questionnaires Lecture code I2152

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