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Thinking About Work How Work Is Changing

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1 Thinking About Work How Work Is Changing
Chapter 2 Thinking About Work Lesson 2.2 How Work Is Changing

2 How the global economy affects jobs
Discover How the global economy affects jobs How technology is changing the way people work continued

3 How the working population is changing
Discover How the working population is changing

4 Why It’s Important Being aware of changes in the world of work will help you make sound decisions.

5 economy goods services global economy job market labor force Key Terms

6 e-commerce gender equity trend team workforce diversity job sharing
Key Terms e-commerce gender equity trend team workforce diversity job sharing continued

7 Key Terms outsourcing telecommute flextime

8 How Work Is Changing The world of work is constantly changing.
The way people work is also changing.

9 Economic Changes: The Global Economy
One big change is that today the world of work includes the whole world. It’s global.

10 It’s a Small World When you buy things that others make, you’re taking part in the economy. The economy refers to the ways people make, buy, and sell goods and services.

11 It’s a Small World Goods are items that people buy.
Services are activities people do for others for a fee.

12 It’s a Small World When you buy goods made in other countries, you are part of the global economy. The global economy is all the world’s economies and how they are linked.

13 A World of Jobs The job market is the need for workers and the kinds of work available to them. A labor force is all people over the age of 16 who work or are seeking work.

14 Technology Changes: Working in the Digital Age
Technology has fueled the development of e-commerce. E-commerce is the buying and selling of goods and services via the Internet.

15 Technology Changes: Working in the Digital Age
E-commerce has revolutionized the global marketplace.

16 Be Prepared for Lifelong Learning
If you are comfortable with both technology and change, you have a head start on success.

17 Be Prepared for Lifelong Learning
Today, workers need to be adaptable and willing to continually learn new technology and new ways of working.

18 Q and A Why should I worry about changes happening now in the job I want? It’ll be a few years before I’m working. continued

19 Q and A Using this time to keep up with the changes happening today will give you a head start over others later.

20 Social Changes The U.S. workplace has been moving toward having more gender equity. Gender equity is equal employment opportunity for all, regardless of gender.

21 Social Changes There will be more people of different backgrounds in the workplace. People will also be staying in the labor force longer.

22 Try This Activity The Impact of Change Compose a Report Write a report detailing two examples of change in our society, one a positive change and the other a negative change. Explain how each change affects society and career opportunities.

23 Workplace Trends A trend is a change over a period of time.

24 Graphic Organizer Workplace Trends continued
A team is a group of people who work together to set goals and make decisions to solve problems and put ideas into action. Teams Workforce diversity is achieved by employing a wide variety of workers with different backgrounds, experiences, ideas, and skills. Workforce Diversity Job sharing is a flexible work arrangement that allows two part-time employees to divide one full-time job. Job Sharing continued

25 Graphic Organizer Workplace Trends
Outsourcing is using outside resources to perform activities traditionally handled by internal company staff. Outsourcing More than 30 million people telecommute, or work from home for a company or for themselves. Telecommuting Flextime is a work schedule arrangement that allows workers to choose work hours that fit their particular needs. Flextime

26 Investigating Career Clusters
Architecture and Construction Architecture Designing and constructing structures that enclose space to meet human needs Construction Building structures continued

27 Investigating Career Clusters
Architecture and Construction If you enjoy making things and are hard-working, detail-oriented, and good at visualization, then a career in architecture and construction may be right for you.

28 Critical Thinking Review
How has diversity changed the workplace? People of different backgrounds have introduced different ways of working and thinking. Critical Thinking Q A continued

29 Critical Thinking Review
How have outsourcing and telecommuting changed work? Outsourcing has allowed companies to contract out activities traditionally handled by internal company staff. Telecommuting has allowed more people to work from home. Critical Thinking Q A

30 Thinking About Work How Work Is Changing
End of Chapter 2 Thinking About Work Lesson 2.2 How Work Is Changing

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