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November 21, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "November 21, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 November 21, 2013

2 ASL 1 and 2: Test grade- Music Videos:
* a version signed is due today. Gloss is due tomorrow. Editing continues until December 2. Final video due December 3 to me. December 3: lecture day- culture/grammar needed for six weeks and final exam.

3 ASL 3 & 4: Today: Daily grades- 4 easy 100s. (rubric below) 1
ASL 3 & 4: Today: Daily grades- 4 easy 100s!!! (rubric below) 1. Quick Purdue Questions/answers 2. Presentations- worth 4 daily grades (this week) Rubric for the 4 daily grades =400 points total- 100=signed 2 sentences about De’VIA 100=show 5 De’VIA samples (20 pts. each) 100=sign 1+ sentence of what each sample means to you (20 pts. each) 100=show your art and sign what it means to you

4 ASL 3 & 4: Purdue OWL – an excellent resource on writing
Quick Quiz (100 for trying) 1.When writing a paper, can we include quotes? 2.What percent of a paper (at most) should the quotes be? 3.To write a paper, does it have to mostly be in my own words, or can I use an entire page of quotes? 4.If I have to write a paper for a class, and I re-phrase a paragraph, could it be Plagiarism?

5 ASL 3 & 4: Helpful tips for writing strategies and plagiarism facts
“There are few intellectual offenses more serious than plagiarism in academic and professional contexts” – Purdue OWL -is it plagiarism yet? 9/02/ Quotations- usually a single sentence quote; at most 10% of the paper Paraphrasing: write it in your own words 9/1/

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