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Do Now – 5 Minutes UO, LO, GQ – 3 Minutes

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1 Do Now – 5 Minutes UO, LO, GQ – 3 Minutes
The “Plan” Do Now – 5 Minutes UO, LO, GQ – 3 Minutes

2 Do Now 4/18/2019 C: No talking. H: Raise hand. A: Working. M: Seated.
Pick up a flash card Answer in brief (not Complete Sentences): What are TWO functions of the skeletal system? What is part of the skeletal system, other than bones? What is the major function of the muscular system? What are the three types of muscle in the body? What are the differences? Get out your body system FRAME, and UO. C: No talking. H: Raise hand. A: Working. M: Seated. P: On task. S: Succeed! Date updates automatically!

3 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ The Unit Organizer Circulatory Respiratory Nervous Digestive
NAME DATE The Unit Organizer Expanded Unit Map is about... 9 Structure and Function of Living Systems Understanding how The internal elements of organisms are adapted to work together. By…. How internal structures of organisms are adapted to perform specific functions Like how… Investigating and Explaining Comparing The function of cells and the organelles to the functions of organisms and organs • ______ let fish get dissolved ______ out of water • ________ bones help _____ fly by making them ______ • __________ carries _____ through vascular plants • __________ carries _____ (sugar) through vascular plants Identifying The functions and parts of body systems Digestive • T_________ • D___________ • L______ • B______ • S_____ C____ • N______ • S______ Organs • K_______ • B_______ • G_____: Organs that excrete… • H_________ • T_______ • S______ muscle • C______ muscle Circulatory Integumentary Reproductive • M______ • Esophagus • S_______ • I________ • Gallbladder • Pancreas Skeletal • H____ • B____ • B_____ V_____ • Male: T_________, P_____, S______ • Female: E____, O____, V____, U_____ • L_________ Respiratory Nervous Excretory Endocrine Musculatory •S___ •H___•N___ PreAP

4 Learning Objective I will be able to identify and describe the functions of the organs belonging to the respiratory and circular system & how they work together.

5 Language Objective Respiratory and circulatory system groups will present their slides. We will go through other slides in depth, and complete the FRAME, and watch a brief video on how the heart functions.

6 Guiding Questions? What is the PRIMARY function of the circulatory system? Where does blood get refreshed in the lungs? What is the

7 Organ System Presentations Raise your hand if you have a question.
Conversation No talking. No whispering. Respectfully say “shh”. Help Raise your hand if you have a question. Activity Each skeletal group will present their slides. I will show my slide and review key points. I will popsicle stick questions for the system Repeat with muscular system group Movement Remain seated. No bathroom breaks. Participation Sit up, pen/pencil in hand with your FRAME out. WMS Colors


9 (Cardiovascular) Circulatory System

10 Cardiovascular System
Cardio = “heart” Vascular = “vessels”

11 Circulatory (Cardiovascular) System
Made up of heart, vessels, and blood

12 How the Heart Works Nerves in the heart send a signal.
This causes the atriums to pump into the ventricles. Then the ventricles pump the blood out Left goes to the lungs Right goes to the body

13 Three Types of Blood Vessels
Arteries - move blood away from the heart

14 Three Types of Blood Vessels
Arteries - move blood away from the heart Veins - move blood toward the heart

15 Functions of the Blood Carries oxygen from lungs to all body cells and removes carbon dioxide from the cells Red blood cell White blood cell

16 Functions of the Blood B L O O D
Carries oxygen from lungs to all body cells Removes carbon dioxide from the cells B L Oxygen from Blood, INTO CELLS O Carbon Dioxide OUT OF CELLS, into blood O D

17 Functions of the Blood Red blood cells – contain hemoglobin which combines with oxygen. These cells deliver oxygen to the body. Their disc shape helps them squeeze through vessels. They wear out and are replaced every four months. New red blood cells are produced in the bone marrow. Red blood cell

18 Which two substances does the blood transport away from body cells?
Oxygen & carbon dioxide Carbon dioxide & waste Nutrients & waste Oxygen & nutrients 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

19 The Circulatory System
Purpose: transports nutrients and oxygen to the body Major Organs and Their Functions Heart – when consistently pumping, the heart keeps the circulatory system working at all times. Blood- It transports hormones, nutrients, oxygen, antibodies, waste and other important things needed to keep the body healthy. Blood Vessels- * Arteries: Arteries carry blood rich in oxygen away from the heart and where they need to go. * Veins: Veins carry deoxygenated blood to the lungs where they receive oxygen.

20 Image of the Circulatory System


22 Respiratory System

23 Respiratory System What are some of the organs that make up our respiratory system?

24 Respiratory System Organs include: larynx (voice box)
trachea (wind pipe) bronchial tubes lungs alveoli diaphragm

25 Respiratory System Air travels from the mouth or nose through your larynx (voice box), down your trachea (wind pipe), and then into the bronchial tubes that enter your lungs.


27 Respiratory System Inside your lungs, at the ends of the bronchial
branches, there are millions of alveoli. These little sacs are where gas exchange occurs. Small blood vessels are delivering oxygen and removing carbon dioxide.

28 Respiratory System The diaphragm is a muscular area that helps the lungs expand and contract. If you inhale deeply and feel under your ribs, you can feel the diaphragm contracting. When you exhale, you can feel it expanding.

29 Respiratory System Functions include:
Supplying oxygen we inhale to the blood Removing carbon dioxide we exhale from the blood

30 Carbon Dioxide OUT of Blood
Respiratory System Functions include: Supplying oxygen we inhale to the blood Removing carbon dioxide we exhale from the blood Oxygen into Blood Carbon Dioxide OUT of Blood

31 The Respiratory System
Purpose: exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide Major Organs and Their Functions Lungs – a pair of organs situated within the rib cage, consisting of elastic sacs that allow oxygen to pass into the blood and carbon dioxide be removed Trachea – the “windpipe”, or what connects your pharynx to your lungs The diaphragm is the muscle that causes you to breath -- hiccups are involuntary contractions of the diaphragm

32 Image of the Respiratory System

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