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Government Unit.

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Presentation on theme: "Government Unit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Government Unit

2 This means rule by the people

3 Security is more important than freedom: interventionist or individualist?

4 These governments are the most extreme form of a of an
Interventionist government

5 Those who are more left wing are more

6 Prisons should be uncomfortable places that provide only the bare minimum of humane care for inmates: right or left wing? Right

7 Schools should bring back corporal punishment R or L?

8 The democratic party is right or left wing?

9 As voters we look at the candidate and the platform of the party
As voters we look at the candidate and the platform of the party. The candidate must think about what the party wants, not just his own thoughts Party Solidarity

10 What are the two most common ways that are voices are heard by the government?
Media and Lobby Groups

11 What is the main focus of a lobby group?
To influence government decisions on an issue

12 What is an example of a lobby group?
John Howard society MADD Elizabeth Fry

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