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Using Mapping Relations to Semi Automatically Compose Web Services

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Presentation on theme: "Using Mapping Relations to Semi Automatically Compose Web Services"— Presentation transcript:

1 Using Mapping Relations to Semi Automatically Compose Web Services
Marwan Sabbouh, Ph.D. The MITRE Corporation April 2008 Title Slide Project name, PI name, phone, sponsor/funding: MSR, Air Force MOIE, Army-Contract MOIE, FAA MOIE, CEM IR&D

2 Background Applications Scripting WSDL XSL J2EE .NET Mashups Service Strategy Integrated Data and Services Strategy Increased User Participation (Decreased Complexity) Data Strategy Future Plans slide: Use (an) interesting graphic(s) with brief text captions to illustrate where your project is going next – what the next challenges are. This could be the next milestone along the way of a multiyear effort, a proposed technology transition, or new related research that is needed if your project is drawing to a close. Stay within the dotted box shown on the template. Send your completed poster presentation to your CE’s administrator. The briefing will be copyedited and approved by the CE and submitted for public release. Schema HTML WMSL Metadata XML Databases

3 Services Composition in SOA
Mashup or Integrating Web Service New WSDL Legacy Web Service Legacy Web Service WSDL WSDL Context Web Service WSDL

4 Data Mediation SOA requires data mediation
Instance translation in the form of XSLT Schema mediation We suggest using mapping relations to achieve data mediation in SOA Problem slide: Describe the problem area that your project is addressing. Use a single short narrative statement or just a few bulleted statements. This is also the place to describe what is not known – the open question that needs resolving. This slide will become one element of the take-away quad chart, so write at that level. Use only text on this slide.

5 Approach + Mapping relations Minimal Code Data Source A Data Source B
Web Page WMSL Web Users Use GUI to Generate Code and Metadata Tools Generate Data Model Background slide (graphic with captions): Provide the background and business context that motivate your work. Provide an interesting graphic(s) with brief text captions that describe or illustrate the points.

6 Web Page Implements Workflow
Simple Use Case Web Page Shared Vocabulary <html> Imports of schemas <script>10-20 lines entities mappings or metadata <Javascript> 5 lines Workflow Mediation Automatic Generation of Shared Vocabulary and Common Data Model Common Data Model Web Page Implements Workflow Tracking Service Universal CORE Display CoT Driver Translator

7 Sample WMSL Discovery Metadata Schema Import Mappings Code

8 Benefits Mapping relations can be generated by Web users using GUIs as part of generating the code Promotes reusability of mapping relations Unifies the process of generating metadata and code Technique can be implemented to run in the browser; hence it is a lightweight solution Results in unifying the strategies for SOA, data, and metadata Ensures that data semantics are being generated as a result of doing the integration Impacts slide: Provide a bulleted list of the high-level impacts for your project. Use only text on this slide. A project can have multiple impacts. Here are examples as listed in the MIP handbook: Customer operational mission Developing work program Academic/R&D community Standards body that influences customer decisions/choices Vendor community MITRE operations, image, and environment Relevant knowledge capture and dissemination

9 Backup

10 Mapping “When”

11 Mapping “Where”

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