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Cellular Reproduction

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1 Cellular Reproduction

2 Cellular Division Chromosomes- structures that contain DNA and proteins, that replicate and divide during cellular reproduction During reproduction, chromosomes coil and twist to form an “X” shape

3 Cell Division Normally, DNA is uncoiled and CAN NOT be seen
During reproduction, DNA coils to be read, this is when it CAN BE seen

4 Chromatid Half of a chromosome
2 chromatids are held together at the centromere Centromere is near the center of the chromosome

5 Autosomes (Non sex chromosomes)
Chromosomes that carry all other genes 22 pairs of autosomes Homologous pairs- two sets of chromosomes that carry genes for the same trait

6 Cells Haploid cells Diploid cells Egg or sperm
Contain one set of chromosomes Diploid cells Contain two sets of chromosomes All cells in humans are diploid EXCEPT sex chromosomes

7 Reproduction Asexual Reproduction: one parent produces an identical offspring Binary Fission: cell division of single cell organisms Example: bacteria Mitosis: nuclear division of a non sex cell Example: Sweet potatoes and strawberry plants Sexual Reproduction: two parent cells (sex cells) form one offspring Meiosis: nuclear division of sex cell Example: Humans and lions

8 Asexual Reproduction Regeneration: re-growth of a body part
Example: sponges, planaria, sea stars Can be asexual reproduction ….too Budding: a new organism grows from the body of a parent organism Example hydra (mitosis and cell division)

9 Budding

10 Regeneration

11 Sex Chromosomes Chromosomes that carry the sex genes
The X and Y chromosomes Females have two X Males have one X and one Y

12 Sex-linked Traits Females have 2 identical copies of all genes
Males do not have 2 identical copies of all genes because the Y chromosome does not carry all the genes found on the X chromosome

13 Sex-linked Traits Therefore some sex-linked disorders occur more in males than females Example: Hemophilia Color-blindness Male pattern baldness

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