讓價值流『精實』 消除浪費.

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Presentation on theme: "讓價值流『精實』 消除浪費."— Presentation transcript:

1 讓價值流『精實』 消除浪費

2 過量生產

3 節拍時間 Takt time

4 Flow 服務業: 單一窗口

CSUN - Prof. David Shternberg MSE595LM - Lean Manufacturing SUPERMARKET: PULL SYSTEM 服務業: 小批次處理、 巡迴服務 PURPOSE: Controls production at supplying process without trying to schedule. Controls production between flows Supplying Process A Customer B PRODUCT Supermarket Production KANBAN Withdrawal KANBAN 1) CUSTOMER WITHDRAWAL Kanbans trigger the movement of parts PRODUCTION Kanbans trigger the production of parts. NOTE: The withdrawal kanban resides in the “process cell” and is given to the supermarket. The production Kanban resides in the supermarket and is given to the next upstream production process.

6 Supermarket 相關符號

7 Schedule Only One Point: 基準節拍工程
CSUN - Prof. David Shternberg MSE595LM - Lean Manufacturing Schedule Only One Point: 基準節拍工程 If pull systems schedule upstream process we can try to schedule only one point in the value stream - Pacemaker No supermarkets downstream of the schedule point (except finished goods) schedule schedule

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