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Update on di-hadron modulations

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1 Update on di-hadron modulations
Anselm Vossen 5/3/2013

2 Modulations PhiR_1 + PhiR2 PhiR_1- PhiR2 (~handedness related)
Approach: 2D fit in PhiR1, PhiR2 with given modulations Data: mc on Res Ex55 Use Pi+/Pi-, Pi+/Pi0, Pi0,Pi- combinations Pi0 in signal and background region (>pi0mass) Bin in m,z, labTheta, qT, transverse polarisation projection Also compute asymmetries with counts divided by random charge mixed counts (doesn’t work for G1T)

3 Ang resolution – lab theta
Acceptance effects: Delta(Phi1-Phi2) Use Delta(Sin\theta)

4 Vs Theta_Lab Iff G1T Handedness

5 Vs Qt Iff G1T Handedness

6 Vs M Iff G1T Handedness

7 Vs Z Iff G1T Handedness

8 Doesn’t go away using ratios (z,z bin)
Handedness Minus Mix Raw

9 Cut On Lab Theta 1.2-1-6 and Qt<4.7 GeV, Vs M:
Iff G1T Handedness

10 Vs Z Iff G1T Handedness

11 And again, subtracting charge mix doesn’t help:
Handedness, minus Mix vs Z Handedness, minus Mix vs M


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