Walking Through Grade 9 English

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1 Walking Through Grade 9 English
Module 3: Connecting to the World Focus: Differentiated Instruction

GETTING READY! Visit Module 3 of the Learner’s Material (LM) Group 1 will be working on Lesson 2, Group 2 on Lesson 3 and so on Read all the tasks under each phase (Your Initial task, etc) Identify the tasks that made use of Differentiated Instruction (D.I) Identify the tasks where Differentiated Instruction (D.I.) could be applied. Show this matrix after you have given all the instructions. After the allotted time in filling out this matrix, invite the participants to post and present their outputs through a gallery walk. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION

3 Activities that made use of D.I. Activities where D.I could be applied
GETTING READY! Use the template below for the said purpose Write your answers on a manila paper Have your outputs presented to the class Phase Activities that made use of D.I. Activities where D.I could be applied Your Initial Task Your Text Your Discovery Task Your Final Task (Enabling task only) Show this matrix after you have given all the instructions. After the allotted time in filling out this matrix, invite the participants to post and present their outputs through a gallery walk. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION

4 How did you find the activity?
Show this matrix after you have given all the instructions. After the allotted time in filling out this matrix, invite the participants to post and present their outputs through a gallery walk. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION

5 What have you noticed from your answers?
Show this matrix after you have given all the instructions. After the allotted time in filling out this matrix, invite the participants to post and present their outputs through a gallery walk. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION

6 Why is it necessary differentiate the tasks? Why?
Show this matrix after you have given all the instructions. After the allotted time in filling out this matrix, invite the participants to post and present their outputs through a gallery walk. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION

7 How did you feel when you’re identifying the D.I. –based tasks
Show this matrix after you have given all the instructions. After the allotted time in filling out this matrix, invite the participants to post and present their outputs through a gallery walk. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION

8 What helped you in identifying them?
Show this matrix after you have given all the instructions. After the allotted time in filling out this matrix, invite the participants to post and present their outputs through a gallery walk. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION

9 What have you realized about differentiating instruction?
Show this matrix after you have given all the instructions. After the allotted time in filling out this matrix, invite the participants to post and present their outputs through a gallery walk. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION

10 Differentiating Instruction:
Guiding Principles

11 How to start? do a formative assessment
create an individual profile of each of his/her student in each class he/she is handling. BUT assessment should be on-going and diagnostic for these assessments provides teachers a day-to-day data on their students.

12 Remember that Assessment is today’s means of understanding how to modify tomorrow’s instructions. Using the results of the assessment, teachers can modify/differentiate content, process or product along with the learning area. The differentiation should be based on the students’ Readiness, Interest and Learning Profile.

13 Differentiating Content Sample Activities
EXAMPLE: Lesson 1 (LM) Page 254 Task 7 can be DIFFERENTIATED in terms of CONTENT by using other “Anglo-American” movies which have “chill factors”. Do you know one?

14 Effective ONLY if they ... have a clearly defined instructional purpose focus students squarely on one key understanding cause students to use a key skill to work with key ideas ensure that students will have to understand (not just repeat) the idea help students relate new understandings and skills to previous ones, and match the student’s level of readiness.

15 Differentiating Process Sample Activity
EXAMPLE: Lesson 1 (LM) Page 254 Task 8 can be DIFFERENTIATED in terms of PROCESS by using a graphic organizer to unlock difficulties. Just make sure that differentiation would not affect the competency/objective of the lesson like in this case. You may check the lesson objectives on page 236 for this purpose.

16 Remember... Initial and on-going assessment of student readiness and growth are Essential Authentic Assessment is a must. Students should be trained to be active and responsible explorers. Teachers should vary expectations and requirements for student responses For outcomes, teachers should consider each student’s multiple intelligences and learning styles

17 How do we do that? Give Students Options of How to Express Required Learning Create a Puppet Show, Write a Letter, Develop Mural with Labels Use Rubrics that Match Student’s Varied Skill Level Use RubiStar.com Allow Students to Work Alone (or) in Small Groups Performance -Based Assessment Student Portfolios Knowledge Mapping

18 Differentiating Products Sample Activity
EXAMPLE: Lesson 1 (LM) Page 262 Task 16 can be can be DIFFERENTIATED by using another product or performance. Just make sure that the product to be differentiated is an enabling product/performance (highly modifiable) and not the culminating activity (performance standard, non negotiable). Products can be differentiated for as long as the products/performances are scaffolds of the culminating activity. Can you suggest an example?

19 Modify a curricular element only when . . .
a student needs it and modification increases the likelihood that the learner will understand important ideas and use the important skills more thoroughly as a result.

20 Revisit, Reflect and Revise
Go back to your outputs in the preliminary activity Choose an activity where D.I. can be applied. Differentiate the activity in terms of : Content Process Product/ performance

21 Keep in mind... Each student is unique!

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