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Meet the Teacher Welcome to Primary 1.

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1 Meet the Teacher Welcome to Primary 1

2 Literacy and English At the moment we are using the Jolly Phonics programme to present the 43 letter sounds. Books will shortly be sent home for you and your child to enjoy together. These will include school library books, texts to practise rhyme and a variety of non fiction books.

3 Numeracy and Mathematics
TJ Maths and Heinemann Active Maths to help consolidate numbers. We use an active approach to help pupils learn as they play together. Future activities will include shape, pattern, time, measurement and number processes.

4 Health and Wellbeing Indoor PE on Tuesday and Friday.
Outdoor PE on Wednesday (Please bring waterproof jacket). Topics to be covered this term are Gymnastics in PE, Bounce Back and Road Safety with Ziggy. Weekly assembly – share your achievements with us on a Friday. GIRFEC (Getting It Right For Every Child).

5 Other Curricular Areas
Topics this term will include: Me and my Family Woodland Project(Summer) Stories from Holy books What makes it work?(Electricity) Storysack Books(Literacy and Expressive Arts) Internet safety and keyboard skills

6 Homework Numeracy and Phonic homework is dated and placed in homework bags. Any books sent home will be given out on a Monday and collected in on a Friday. If topic homework is given out pupils will have a week to complete this.

7 How you can help… Please remember to: Bring homework bag every day.
Have a bottle in school bag which contains only water! Keep playtime snack in school bag and not in lunch box. Name all items of clothing. Thank you for your support.

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