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9 The Power of the Gospel.

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1 9 The Power of the Gospel

2 The Meaning of “Gospel”
The propositional confession of Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection The “preaching, reception, and powerful advance of God’s Word as it saves and transforms lost humanity.”

3 A survey of Bible texts The Gospel as Power

4 The Old Testament “The Word of the Lord” accomplishes what God intends, from creation on. In the history and prophetic books, the word “comes upon” people, empowering them to speak (see Isaiah 55:10-11)

5 The Gospels Throughout the NT the “gospel” is a saving force
The parable of the soils portrays the Word as the seed of new life The “Word of the Lord” provides a secure foundation for evangelism and ministry

6 The Acts The key transitional phrase in Acts is “The Word of God Spread” At each transition point, greater numbers and greater diversity of peoples are involved.

7 The Epistles Paul viewed the gospel as “an effective force that inevitably goes forth and accomplishes God’s will” Paul repeatedly described the gospel as a dynamic power: Rom. 1:16, I Cor. 1:17-25, I Cor. 14:36, I Thess. 1:5 I Cor. 9:12, II Tim. 2:8-9, Col. 1:4-7, I Cor. 4:15 I Thess. 2:13-16, II Thess. 3:1, I Thess. 1:6-8, Col.3:16, I Cor. 15:1,2

8 Unleasing the Power

9 Keep the Gospel Central
Methods come and go, but the gospel must remain central Our proclamation must not distort its message People must stay in organic relationship with Jesus Christ for growth

10 Six steps to stay gospel-focused
Memorize and meditate on gospel passages Listen to gospel-saturated sermons Read gospel-focused books Have a transparent ministry; share your struggles with gospel substitutes Warn others about the dangers of false gospels and gospel substitutes Don’t reward human performance; give thanks to God

11 Assess your teaching Don’t drift into pragmatics or moralistic preaching If you keep close accounts of your own life and teaching, you won’t drift away from the power of the gospel to change lives

12 Conclusion All ministry must be rooted in the message of Jesus and his death, burial, and resurrection “Gospel-centered” is more than a slogan It is ministry rooted in the person of Jesus and his life-transforming work on the cross

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