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By: Pooja Patel, Thomas Deignan, & Joshua Lanjwal (B2)

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Presentation on theme: "By: Pooja Patel, Thomas Deignan, & Joshua Lanjwal (B2)"— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Pooja Patel, Thomas Deignan, & Joshua Lanjwal (B2)
Puritan Dissenters (Roger Williams, Anne Hutchinson, and Thomas Hooker) By: Pooja Patel, Thomas Deignan, & Joshua Lanjwal (B2)

2 Key Terms/People: Roger WIlliams Anne Hutchinson Thomas Hooker
Antinomianism Heresy Dogma The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

3 Roger Williams’ Protest:
Roger Williams was an English Puritan minister who lived in the Massachusetts Bay Colony. His controversial beliefs included: -Religious freedom -The separation of church and state, and that no single church should be supported by taxes -Believed stealing of land from Native Americans was unfair.

4 Roger Williams’ Punishment:
He was quickly banished from Massachusetts Bay for his “dangerous” ideas.

5 Roger Williams Post-Punishment:
After his banishment, Williams established the colony of Rhode Island. The colony followed his beliefs of religious freedom, attracting many other dissenters from surrounding colonies.

6 Anne Hutchinson: Protest
Who is she? Religious views/beliefs: "If God has predetermined for me salvation or damnation, how could any behavior of mine change my fate?" Antinomianism:belief that the elect need not obey the law of either god or man; against the law (Mary Dyer was the first woman executed for her religious beliefs in Massachusetts Bay Colony)

7 Anne Hutchinson: Punishment
How it affected the colony? (1637) banishment from Massachusetts Bay colony Heresy; any belief/theory that is opposite to orthodox religious doctrine (Anne Hutchinson on Trial, illustration by Edwin Austin Abbey, circa 1901)

8 Anne Hutchinson: Overview
(1638) fled to Rhode Island and settled at Aquidneck. then to the New York mainland & eventually Hutchinson was killed

9 Thomas Hooker - Protest
Thomas Hooker served as a pastor. Disagreement with John Cotton. Believed in suffrage for all men

10 Thomas Hooker:Punishment
Lost favor with other ministers Left for Hartford

11 Thomas Hooker - Post Punishment
Founded Connecticut Wrote “The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut”

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