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Universe Design Jack Fritz CTFL.

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Presentation on theme: "Universe Design Jack Fritz CTFL."— Presentation transcript:

1 Universe Design Jack Fritz CTFL

2 The Alio Connection Connect to the Alio Database with the aliobi user and the ALIO service Connects to database to run queries 1 connection per universe BOGUS Connection available to use to allow connections at login level

3 New Universe: Universe Parameters
Adding the Name, Description, Connection

4 Table Browser Right Click > Tables Navigate to HRS
Choose tables to add

5 Linking Tables Together
Drag Employee_No to Employee_No to create JOIN Double click on Join to Edit Join Set Cardinality Set Outer Join Outer Join allows you to pull data in the first Table if data doesn’t exist in second table

6 Create Classes Create a Class
Right click classes pane to create a new class Drag folder from tables pane to classes pane This brings all table objects and may bring more information then needed

7 Creating Objects Right click and choose new
Drag field from table to class folder Objects create the select statements Parse can verify the statement is valid

8 Subclasses and Objects
Tables and Fields that are linked/joined to the primary table HRS.EMPLOYEE_MISCELLANEOUS Sub table of HRS.EMPLOYEE_MASTER Linked/Joined by Employee NO Fields can be in the Employee Information class or a subclass

9 Measures Objects used for numerical data
Automatically sum grouped data Must add joins to a context A context is a group of joins that are specific to the measure you create Tells Business Objects how to group data to be summed

10 The Measure Table Right click your table and choose alias to create the measure table Add _MSR to the end. This is a WSC Standard to show measure tables Join the Table and MSR table using ROWID Creates a 1 to 1 join so data does not get duplicated Ex. HRS.EMPLOYEE_PAYS.ROWID=HRS_EMPLOYEE_PAYS_MSR.ROWID

11 Context for Join Right click on join > Context Create a new context
Select Joins to include in the Context

12 The Measure Delete the object from the folder
Drag the object from the MSR table to the folder Double click the object ADD SUM(NVL( to front and ,0)) to end of select SUM(NVL(HRS_EMPLOYEE_PAYS_ MSR.HOURLY_RATE,0)) This will create the Measure to Sum the data

13 Conditions Add Conditions to classes and subclasses
Available at the reporting level Can be automatically applied to the class they are in Show in the WHERE portion of the SQL Statement

14 Save and Export To make the universe available you will need to Save and Export the universe To modify the universe you will want to import the universe

15 Universe Standards Top level classes are master tables
Subclasses are linked/joined tables to the table/class they are in Try to keep a Top Down strategy when creating classes and subclasses Reporting objects should follow the same strategy when building reports Drag items to arrange them in any order WSC tries to make all objects alphabetical Measures and Filters are added to the bottom of the class Custom Universes do not have built in Security like WSC Universes


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