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I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou

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Presentation on theme: "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou"— Presentation transcript:

1 I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou
Author’s Style & Main Idea Chapters 11-20

2 F.L.T Today, I will be able to…
examine and recognize the author’s style Examine the main idea So that I can better understand and enjoy the autobiography

3 Literary Analysis: Author’s Style
Author’s style – his or her __________ way of using ____________. Influences the writer’s ability to communicate _________ with readers. unique language ideas

4 Literary Analysis: Author’s Style
Elements of Author’s style: Diction – the ________ the author uses. Syntax – the __________________ of words in sentences. Diction & syntax can be described as formal or informal, technical or ordinary, or sophisticated or down-to-earth Tone – the author’s ___________ toward the audience or subject. Can be described as serious, playful, or harsh. words arrangement attitude

5 Reading Skill: Main Idea
message main idea – the central __________, insight, or ___________ in a work of nonfiction. Supporting details – give further ___________ about the main idea. opinion information

6 Reading Skill: Main Idea
Identify the main idea and supporting details: Ask ____________ prior to reading. Such as these: Why did the author choose this _______? How might __________ in the author’s life influence his or her attitude? What does the author want me to _______? questions title events know

7 I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou
Vocabulary Chapters 11 – 20

8 apprehensive (adj.) The student was apprehensive over the quiz because he didn’t study.

9 quandary (n.) She was in a quandary over who take to the dance: the rebel or jock.

10 sullen (adj.) The sullen student is described as a emotional because of his all-black attire.

11 rakish (adj.) With his rakish smile and pick-up lines, he wooed the girl.

12 comeuppance (n.) He finally got his comeuppance for his bad behavior in school.

13 pariah (n.) The student felt like a pariah because no one wanted to be friends with her.

14 3, 2, 1 Write down 3 things you learned today that you didn’t know before. Write down 2 things you already knew. Write down a question that you still have

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