Easter By:Fiona.

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1 Easter By:Fiona

2 Easter is the holiday that celebrates and commemorates the central event of the Catholic faith; the resurrection of Jesus Christ after his crucifixion on the cross. “The resurrection of Jesus is the centerpiece of the Christian and Catholic faith because without the son of God rising from our faith would be worthless and futile.” (1 Cor. 15:14-17) Fact #1: What is Easter

3 Fact #2: The History of Easter
There is evidence that Christians and Catholics originally celebrated the resurrection of Jesus or Easter every sunday, with observations such as Scripture reading, psalms, and the Eucharist. At some point, it became customary to celebrate it on one special day each year. This still persists to this day and contributes to the dates of Easter. Fact #2: The History of Easter

4 Fact #3: What Does the Word Easter Mean
The origins of the word Easter are not certain, but probably derive from Estre the goddess of spring. The German word ostern has the same derivation, but most languages follow the Greek term used by early Christians and Catholics. Fact #3: What Does the Word Easter Mean

5 Fact #4: How is the Date of Easter Decided
The method of determining the date of Easter is very complex. Catholic and Protestant celebrate Easter on the first sunday after the full moon of the spring equinox. The full moon is actually a paschal on which is based on 84 year paschal cycles. These calculations are why the date of Easter can be any where from March 22 to April 25. Fact #4: How is the Date of Easter Decided

6 Fact #5: What Does Easter Mean to the Catholic Church
Easter is not only the greatest Catholic feast; it is the fulfillment of our faith as Catholics. Through his death, Christ destroyed the bondage to sin. Through his resurrection he brought us the promise of new life not only in heaven but on Earth. This is why we traditionally perform the sacraments of baptism and confirmation around Easter. Fact #5: What Does Easter Mean to the Catholic Church

7 Fact #6: The Season of Easter
Easter is really an entire season in the Catholic faith. The season of Easter starts on Ash Wednesday which is also the beginning of Lent. In lent Jesus spent 40 days and 40 nights in the desert resisting the temptations of the devil. This helped him prepare for fulfilling the prophecy and dieing on the cross to save us from sin. Fact #6: The Season of Easter

8 Fact #7: The Easter Vigil Mass
Easter Vigil, also called the Paschal Vigil is the first official celebration of the resurrection of Jesus. This mass is held in hours of darkness between sunset on Holy Saturday and sunrise on Easter Sunday. Fact #7: The Easter Vigil Mass

9 Fact #8: The Easter Story
Jesus’ disciples brought him a donkey and he rode into Jerusalem while being praised by the people. That very night Jesus broke bread with his followers and told them that one of them would betray him. Later they went to the garden and prayed. After a while he was arrested and sentenced to death. The soldiers beat and crucified him. Three days after his death he rose again! Fact #8: The Easter Story

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