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Chapters 7-9 The Outsiders

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1 Chapters 7-9 The Outsiders
Week 6 vocabulary Chapters 7-9 The Outsiders

2 1. aghast "Work. " Two-Bit was aghast. "And ruin my rep
1. aghast "Work?" Two-Bit was aghast. "And ruin my rep? I wouldn't be baby-sittin'the kid here if I knew of some good day-nursery open on Saturdays." (pg. 95) Use the word aghast as a different part of speech. Student definition based on CC (contexts clues). Definition: struck with terror, amazement, or horror Synonyms: afraid, alarmed, fearful Antonyms: fearless, unafraid

3 2. mimicking He'd grab one guy's press hat and another's camera and walk around interviewing the nurses and mimicking TV reporters. (pg. 85) Use the word mimicking as a different part of speech. Student definition based on CC (contexts clues). Definition: copying the behavior or speech of another Synonyms: copy, imitate, mock Antonyms: genuine, natural, real

4 3. abruptly Turning abruptly, he said, "Let's go see Dallas. " (pg
Use the word abruptly as a different part of speech. Student definition based on CC (contexts clues). Definition: in a sudden or unexpected way Synonyms: suddenly Antonyms: gradually, slowly, hesitantly

5 4. aimlessly It was the reward of two hours of walking aimlessly around a hardware store to divert suspicion. (pg. 106) Use the word aimlessly as a different part of speech. Student definition based on CC (contexts clues). Definition: to do something without a goal or purpose Synonyms: randomly, erratically Antonyms: methodically, systematically

6 5. awed "And what do you do for fun
5. awed "And what do you do for fun?" I inquired in a serious, awed voice. (pg. 116) Use the word awed as a different part of speech. Student definition based on CC (contexts clues). Definition: a strong feeling respect, fear, or wonder. Synonyms: admiration, amazement Antonyms: indifference, boredom

7 6. debating "We just left him," Two-Bit said, and I could tell that he was debating whether to tell Dally the truth or not. (pg. 106) Use the word debating as a different part of speech. Student definition based on CC (contexts clues). Definition: a discussion between people in which they express different opinions about something Synonyms: difference, disagreement, dispute Antonyms: agreement

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