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Prejudice Prejudice Stereotype Discrimination. Prejudice Prejudice Stereotype Discrimination.

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Presentation on theme: "Prejudice Prejudice Stereotype Discrimination. Prejudice Prejudice Stereotype Discrimination."— Presentation transcript:


2 Prejudice Prejudice Stereotype Discrimination

3 Prejudice How Prejudiced Are People?

4 Prejudice Social Roots of Prejudice: Social Inequalities
Just world phenomenon Blame the victim

5 Prejudice Social Roots of Prejudice: Us and Them: Ingroup and Outgroup
Ingroup bias

6 Prejudice Emotional Roots of Prejudice
Scapegoat theory Economic variables Negative emotions

7 Prejudice Cognitive Roots of Prejudice
Categorization Outgroup homogeneity Other-race effect Vivid cases Believing the world is just Hindsight bias


9 Introduction Aggression

10 The Biology of Aggression
Genetic Influences Neural Influences Biochemical Influences

11 Social and cultural influences
Psychological and Social-Cultural Factors in Aggression Aversive Events Aversive Events Frustration-aggression principle Social and cultural influences Aggression-replacement program

12 Reinforcement and Modeling Media Model for Violence
Psychological and Social-Cultural Factors in Aggression Aversive Events: Reinforcement and Modeling Aggression-replacement program Media Model for Violence Social scripts Do violent video games teach social scripts for violence?


14 The Psychology of Attraction Proximity
Mere exposure effect

15 The Psychology of Attraction Physical Attractiveness

16 The Psychology of Attraction Similarity
Positive correlation between similarity and liking Reward theory of attraction

17 Romantic Love Love Equity Self-disclosure Passionate love
Companionate love Equity Self-disclosure


19 Altruism Altruism Bystander Intervention Kitty Genovese
Diffusion of responsibility Bystander effect

20 Altruism

21 Altruism

22 Altruism

23 Altruism

24 Altruism

25 Altruism

26 Altruism

27 Altruism

28 Altruism The Norms for Helping
Social exchange theory Reciprocity norm Social-responsibility norm

29 Conflict and Peacemaking Elements of Conflict
Social trap Non-zero sum game

30 Conflict and Peacemaking Elements of Conflict: Enemy Perceptions
Mirror-image perceptions Self-fulfilling prophecy

31 Conflict and Peacemaking Promoting Peace
Contact Cooperation Superordinate goals

32 Conflict and Peacemaking Promoting Peace
Communication Conciliation GRIT

33 The End

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