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1 Starfish

2 Outline Starfish definition Starfish body structure Starfish Reproduction Starfish life cycle Starfish types References

3 Outline Starfish definition Starfish body structure Starfish Reproduction Starfish life cycle Starfish types References

4 Starfish definition Starfish or sea stars are star- shaped echinoderms belonging to the class Asteroidea. Common usage frequently finds these names being also applied to ophiuroids, which are correctly referred to as brittle stars or "basket stars"

5 Outline Starfish definition Starfish body structure Starfish Reproduction Starfish life cycle Starfish types References

6 Starfish body structure
Sea Stars have systems that are very simple but incomparable to other organisms. Sea Stars are invertebrates organisms with no head, but tube feet and arms where they can sense as well as see. These five arms or more, can regenerate them as long as the central disk is not affected. They have radial symmetry and an oral surface as well as aboral with the arms and disk covered with spikes .

7 Starfish body structure

8 Outline Starfish definition Starfish body structure Starfish Reproduction Starfish life cycle Starfish types References

9 Starfish Reproduction
Starfish Reproduction divided in tow main categories : Sexual Reproduction Asexual Reproduction

10 Sexual Reproduction in Starfish
Females of Fromia elegans eggs from gonopores, two of which are located in each interradius. The eggs are bright red in colour and are of neutral buoyancy. Egg release may take up to three hours following injection. The males spawn within one hour and sperm are released through gonopores which are located slightly higher in each interradius than in the female. The fertilised eggs undergo lecithotrophic development.

11 Sexual Reproduction in Starfish

12 Asexual Reproduction in Starfish
Asexual reproduction in starfish takes place by fission or through autotomy of arms. In fission, the central disc breaks into two pieces and each portion then regenerates the missing parts

13 Asexual Reproduction in Starfish

14 Outline Starfish definition Starfish body structure Starfish Reproduction Starfish life cycle Starfish types References

15 Starfish life cycle The Zygote (fertilized ovum) develops first into a bipinnaria larva and then into a brachiolaria larva Part of the larva’s body develops ‘starfish’ characteristics and the result is a baby starfish The baby starfish will spend a few days developing its organs and will then start to feed and grow. After a few years the star reaches sexual maturity and begins spawning

16 Starfish life cycle

17 Outline Starfish definition Starfish body structure Starfish Reproduction Starfish life cycle Starfish types References

18 Starfish types Starfish has many types include : Spinulosida Choriaster granulatus Valvatida Solasteridae Paxillosida Brisingida

19 Starfish types

20 Outline Starfish definition Starfish body structure Starfish Reproduction Starfish life cycle Starfish types References

21 References

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