Gainsborough School Key Stage 1 SATs

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Presentation on theme: "Gainsborough School Key Stage 1 SATs"— Presentation transcript:

1 Gainsborough School Key Stage 1 SATs
Welcome to Parents/Guardians of Year 2 children

2 Who are we? - Introductions
Year 2 Team Miss S. Broomhall – TA Mrs G. Crosby – TA Mr C Adlington – Teacher Miss H Woolley – Teacher/ Phase Leader

3 Purpose of the meeting What are SATs ? Update on changes to
assessments Explain school arrangements for KS1 SATs Opportunity to look at sample test materials Questions and answers

4 What are SATs ? Standard Assessment Tests They are administered in May
The SATs are a statutory requirement in England They test the knowledge, skills and understanding built up since Nursery

5 KS 1 National Curriculum Assessment Changes
KS1 (Year 2) and KS2 SATs (Year 6) will reflect the new curriculum for the fourth time this year and there have been minor changes. In previous years we have been using an interim framework. This year, a few changes have been made and we will be using the now agreed, teacher assessment framework.

6 The government has high expectations.
Aiming high

7 Which areas are assessed ?
English Reading test SPaG test Writing – teacher assessment Maths Arithmetic test Reasoning test

8 Reading Reading is assessed through 2 tests.
The children will have 30 and 40 minutes. The questions will be a selection of direct retrieval, comprehension and inference.

9 Sample pages – reading test

10 Sample pages – reading test

11 Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar test
SPaG Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar test 1. Spelling test (based around the spelling patterns taught throughout EYFS and KS1) 2. Grammar and Punctuation test

12 SPaG Spelling – 50% marks Homework spellings cover these spelling patterns and common exception words that the pupils need to know. It is really important you work on these with your child as they will also impact on their writing. Punctuation - identifying and writing sentences that are correctly punctuated Sentence grammar - both identifying and writing sentences that are grammatically correct

13 Sample SPaG

14 Sample SPaG

15 Sample SPaG

16 Writing Writing is teacher assessed using the ‘Teacher Assessment Framework’ provided by the Standards and Testing Agency. All work is rigorously moderated across school, across the federation and by the LA.

17 Teacher Assessment Framework for Writing

18 Teacher Assessment Framework for Writing

19 Teacher Assessment Framework for Writing

20 Maths Test 1 – Arithmetic Approx 30 minutes
Covers all number operations Test 2 – Problem solving and reasoning Approx 40 minutes There will be a variety of questions including multiple choice, matching, true/false, complete a chart or draw a shape.

21 Sample pages – Arithmetic maths test

22 Sample pages – mathematical fluency, problem-solving and reasoning test

23 Assessment and Reporting
Since 2016, test scores have been reported as: below, meeting or exceeding national expectation based on scaled scores. It is very difficult to compare the assessment of previous years. The curriculum is rigorous and sets high expectations yet encourages pupils to gain a deeper understanding by applying knowledge and skills through problem solving activities.

24 What are scaled scores? Child’s ‘raw score’ will be converted to a ‘scaled score’ to allow it to be compared to others. Scaled scores normally range 80 – 130; Scale will be set that 100 will indicate your child is working at expected standard for the end of key stage 1. We receive the bench mark grade in June An example: Child A is awarded scaled score judged to have met the ‘national standard’ Child B is awarded a scaled score of more than judged to have exceeded the national standard and demonstrated a higher than expected knowledge of the curriculum for their age. Child C is awarded a scaled score of less than judged to have not yet met the national standard and performed below expectation for their age.

25 Reporting to parents You will be informed whether your child has
met national standard exceeded national standard not met national standard in reading, writing and maths.

26 Familiarity with the tests…
What the tests look like. How the questions are laid out. Familiarity with, and an increasing understanding of the ‘language of questions.’ How to use the marks at the side of the page to know how much detail is required in an answer. How and where to do the ‘workings’. Sustained reading. Separate question and answer books.

27 How can you help? Support with homework Regular reading
Sustained reading Spellings – 50% score Keep absences to the absolute minimum Be on time Early nights and a good breakfast TLC and encouragement Contact school if you have any concerns List of websites coming home on Fri

28 Thanks Feel free to have a look at some sample papers.
If you have any questions please feel free to ask now, or speak to one of us before you leave.

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