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Do Now, page 93 IAN: In this country walking on the grass is illegal. What country is this?—Germany or Poland.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now, page 93 IAN: In this country walking on the grass is illegal. What country is this?—Germany or Poland."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now, page 93 IAN: In this country walking on the grass is illegal. What country is this?—Germany or Poland

2 Egyptian Religion

3 The Egyptian View: They had a positive view of life
They had a positive look at the after-life (when you die) They believed if you live a good life you would then live a good after life. Afterlife: a life believed to follow death This was VERY different from the Sumerians, they thought the after life would be awful!

4 Create your own after life!

5 Clip The soul’s journey to the after life

6 Poly-what? Polytheism (poly-thee-ism): the belief in more then one god/goddess.

7 The most important gods…

8 Re The sun god (later called Amon Re)

9 Osiris A god who judged Egyptians after death

10 Isis A fertility goddess; Osiris’ wife

11 Clip

12 Anubis A god of the dead with the head of a jacktail

13 Importance of Animals

14 Makin’ Mummies Egyptians mumified their people before placing them in tombs They wanted to preserve the body after death.

15 How To Make a Mummy: Step 1: Remove all the organs except the heart
Step 2: Clean the organs and place in separate jars Step 3: Pack the body with natron (a natural drying agent and cleaning material) This is what turns the body into a mummy Step 4: Use linen pads to fill the body, and wrap him up in strips

16 This took 70 days! It was expensive, that’s why not everyone could do it!


18 Clippidy Clip

19 Egyptian Tombs

20 Egyptian Tombs Tomb helped everyday objects any person might want or need Food, drinks, tools, clothing and furniture

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