Achieving Success in the Early Years Thursday 11th October 2018

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1 Achieving Success in the Early Years Thursday 11th October 2018

2 What is the Early Years Foundation Stage ?
The Government statutory framework that sets the standards for learning, development and care for children from birth to five. (2017)

3 Early Years Foundation Stage
It has 4 Key principles which shape the Practice in Early Years settings: A Unique Child Positive Relationships Enabling Environments Children Learn and develop in different ways and at different rates

4 Areas of Learning and Development
There are 7 areas all as important as each other and all inter-connected 3 Prime areas 4 Specific areas

5 Prime areas 1. Communication and Language 2. Physical Development
3. Personal, Social and Emotional Development

6 Communication and Language (Prime area 1)
We want children to become skillful communicators. To develop Listening and attention Understanding Speaking

7 Physical Development (Prime area 2)
Made up of the following aspects: Moving and handling Health and self-care

8 Personal, Social and Emotional Development
(Prime area 3) Made up of the following aspects: Self–confidence and self–awareness Managing feelings and behaviour Making relationships

9 Specific areas 1. Literacy 2. Mathematics 3. Understanding the World
4. Expressive Arts and Design

10 Literacy (Specific area 1)
This is made up of the following aspects: Reading Writing

11 Mathematics (Specific area 2)
This is made up of the following aspects: Numbers Shape, Space and Measure

12 Understanding the World (Specific area 3)
This is made up of the following aspects: People and Communities The World Technology

13 Expressive Arts and Design (Specific area 4)
Made up of the following aspects: Exploring and using media and materials Being imaginative

14 How do the children learn?
We ensure the environment is accessible for all children in order for each child to initiate their own learning through play within the continuous provision and being actively engaged, both indoors and outdoors. Children also learn in small adult guided groups, as well as through whole class teaching.

15 Whole class teaching

16 Adult Guided Tasks

17 Child-initiated learning through continuous provision inside and outside.

18 How do we assess children’s learning?
Each child has been assessed on their communication and language, physical development, personal, social and emotional development, numeracy and literacy, this half term. This information forms a Baseline starting point from which children will move forward. We track every child in each area through observations and photographs. This contributes towards each child’s ‘Learning Journey’ and describes their development and learning achievements by the end of Reception. Judgements are made from observations of consistent and independent behaviour from their self-initiated activities AND during adult directed tasks e.g. ordering numbers, counting or reading.

19 Achieving a good Level of Development
Children are defined as having reached a good level of development at the end of the EYFS if they have achieved at least the expected level in the prime areas of learning. Personal, Social and Emotional Development Communication and Language Physical Development And the early learning goals in the specific areas of: Mathematics Literacy

20 How we report to parents and carers?
Two parent-teacher meetings per year At the end of your child’s Reception year you will receive a School Report which will indicate whether children have achieved the Good Level of Development, Exceeded it, or are still emerging within the ELG’s. If at any time you have any concerns or just want to know about your child’s progress, please come and speak to us.

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