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Dynamic Time Scales in Colored Glass Nuclear Matter

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1 Dynamic Time Scales in Colored Glass Nuclear Matter

2 4/14/2019 VIVEK PARIHAR


4 hydrodynamic expansion
initial state pre-equilibrium QGP and hydrodynamic expansion hadronization hadronic phase and freeze-out VIVEK PARIHAR

5 Quarks and String Glass
QED Vacuum QCD Vacuum Quark Potential and String Tension Rotating Strings Entropy of String Configurations Relaxation Time Scales Glass Laws High Energy Nuclear Scattering Conclusions 4/14/2019 VIVEK PARIHAR

6 Quantum Electrodynamic Vacuum Instability I
Static Dielectric Screening of Coulomb’s Law at Short Distance Dynamic Conductivity s(w) of the Dissipative Vacuum 4/14/2019

7 Quantum Electrodynamic Vacuum Instability II
Dissipative Vacuum Conductivity Yields a Landau Vacuum Ghost Instability at a Space-Like Wave Vector K 4/14/2019

8 Quantum Chromodynamic Vacuum Instability I
Vacuum Fluctuations Derek B. Leinweber Dynamic Color Conductivity Re ss(w) < 0 Implies an “Amplifying Vacuum” Since es(Q2) > 0 is always true, there are no Landau QCD ghosts. 4/14/2019

9 Quantum Chromodynamic Vacuum Instability II
Quark Potential Linear Potential and String Tension s Amplifying Vacuum Screening 4/14/2019

10 Bohr-Landau-Fermi Liquid Droplet Model of Nuclear Matter
Spherical Droplet Radius Nucleons are in reality relativistic constituents of nuclei. The non-relativistic “shell model” must thereby be “patched up” by a strong LS- coupling for “simulating relativity”. Fermi Velocity R 4/14/2019

11 Quark-Anti-Quark Pairs Color Electric Flux Tube
Quark-String Model I Quark Baryon Number A=3(Nu+Nd) Charge Z=(2Nu+Nd) N=(2Nd+Nu) Mesons Quark-Anti-Quark Pairs Color Electric Flux Tube “String” s = gEcolor Anti-Quark A=Z+N 4/14/2019

12 Quantum String “Trajectory” Experimental Tension s
Quark-String Model II Rotating String c -R R -c Quantum String “Trajectory” Experimental Tension s 4/14/2019

13 Quark-String Model III
Rotating and Vibrating Strings (Mesons) Entropy S(E) = kB ln W(N) Hardy-Ramanujan Formula 4/14/2019

14 Entropy of Rotating and Vibrating Strings
Quark-String Model IV Entropy of Rotating and Vibrating Strings 4/14/2019

15 Quark-String Model V F = (7/2)kBTH Relaxation Times Obey the Glass Law

16 String Fragmentation Model for Quark Pairs on Strings
Quark-String Model VI m String Fragmentation Model for Quark Pairs on Strings m s m s m s m m 4/14/2019

17 High Energy Scattering I

18 High Energy Scattering II
Impact Parameter Representation b=l/k Inelastic Scattering Dominates Elastic Scattering as E Becomes Very Large and sel << sin 4/14/2019

19 High Energy Scattering III

20 High Energy Scattering IV
Nuclear Target String State Final Fragments with Constant Heat Capacity C 4/14/2019

21 Conclusion and Discussion
QED Vacuum has been Compared with QCD Vacuum QCD Inspired “String Model” Glass-Like Entropy of String Configurations High Energy Nuclear Scattering Cross Sections 4/14/2019

22 4/14/2019

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