Masters and PhDs Scholarships. Created by PRONABEC February 13th. 2012 LEGISLATURE CONGRESS OF THE REPUBLIC LAW N°29837 THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC.

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1 Masters and PhDs Scholarships

2 Created by PRONABEC February 13th. 2012 LEGISLATURE CONGRESS OF THE REPUBLIC LAW N°29837 THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC WHEREAS: The Congress of the Republic Has give the following Law: THE PERMANENT COMMISSION OF CONGRESS OF THE REPUBLIC Has given the following Law: LAW THAT CREATE THE NATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM AND STUDENT LOANS Article 1: Creating of the National Scholarship Program and Students Loans. Create the National Scholarship Program and Student Loans for the Ministry of Education in a higher level, responsible for the design, planning, management, monitoring and evaluation of scholarships and student loans. Article 2: Purpose of the National Program of Scholarships and Student Loans. The purpose of the National Scholarship Program and Student Loans, is contribute to the equity in higher education by ensuring access to this stage to the students with low income and higher academic performance, as well as their permanence and completion.

3 Infrastructure is not the only field where Peru must invest, we also have to invest in something that has never received investment, the talent and intelligence of the people, Thats the best investment. President Ollanta Humala Tasso, 2013.

4 Situational Diagnosis of Peruvians who access postgraduate studies

5 Situational Diagnosis Source: II National University Census 2010 56,336 postgraduate students across the country, it represent the 7% of students attending university.

6 Situational Diagnosis Postgraduate students population by Region where they study the program Source: II National University Census 2010 The 50% of the population study in Lima. High altitude regions and areas close to tropical forest are the regions with lowest proportion of postgraduate students. Postgraduate Population

7 Situational Diagnosis Master students by gender for each city in Peru at 2010

8 Situational Diagnosis PhDs students by gender for each city in Peru at 2010

9 Situational Diagnosis Source: II National University Census 2010 There is a higher concentration of Masters studies

10 Situational Diagnosis Source: II National University Census 2010 Almost all postgraduate studies are self-funded.

11 Situational Diagnosis Source: II National University Census 2010 Most postgraduate students are already working.

12 Situational Diagnosis Source: II National University Census 2010 Most postgraduate studies are performed on weekends, every fifteen days or monthly.

13 Situational Diagnosis Source: II National University Census 2010 Higher concentration on traditional careers

14 Situational Diagnosis Source: II National University Census 2010 Higher concentration on traditional careers

15 Graduation Rate at Masters and PhDs Programs in Peru The graduation rate for Masters and PhD Programs in Peru are very low. We estimate less than 5% of initial enrollments. Source: Dr. Luís Piscoya, IESALC-UNESCO. Situational Diagnosis

16 Masters and PhDs studies new model with social inclusion

17 Studies new model Masters and PHDs Scholarship with social inclusion Full-time study Opportunity to study in top universities of 400 world rank. Development of research studies throughout the academic program. Access to Research Advisors since the program starts.

18 Studies new model Masters and PHDs Scholarship with social inclusion Spanish, Portuguese and English programs Graduation and a Master or PhD degree upon finishing the program Thesis publication on top academic journals. Students must Return to Peru in order to apply and spread their knowledge.

19 Priority and knowledge areas in Peru National Development Prioritized production sector Agriculture and agro- industrial Fishing Mining & Metals Forest Energy Telecomunications Tourism Prioritized social and environment al sector Health Education Environment Housing and Sanitation Priority areas for scientific and technological development of Peru Source: National Plan for Science and Technology in 2021, CONCYTEC-2005. (Approved by D.S. 001-2006-ED) Knowledge areas to meet priority sectors Science and Technology materials Life sciences and biotechnology Information and Communication technology Environmental Science and Technology Basic sciences and social sciences

20 International Postgraduate Scholarships Vision and Principles In 2021 there will be a contingent of high quality Masters in the science and technology area that contribute to scientific research and development in the poorest regions INCLUSION 1000 scholarship holders/years. 2,500 from the 5th. year DESCENTRALIZED Announcements and selection across the country ORIENTED DEVELOPMENT Science, Technology and other topics EQUITY Professionals with insufficient resources professionals and higher academic performance INTEGRITY Access, permanence and completion in their studies QUALITY Studies in a one of the top 400 ranking (QSWUR, THEWUR, ARWU)

21 Who can apply for the Scholarship? Professionals with a professional degree from public and private universities in Peru. VRAEM Professionals, from the indigenous communities, natives communities, Afro-Peruvian and front the border. Teachers who works on public educational institutions, which have a bachelor's degree or a degree in education. Armed Forces and Police Officers. Age Master 30 years PhDs 33 years

22 Requirements to apply for a Master Peruvian citizen Having the acceptance letter to a master. Have a professional university degree. Have insufficient financial resources for masters studies. (You must fill out a socioeconomic form). Foreign language certificate in case it has been accepted to a program in a language other than Spanish. Have belonged to the fifth or top third in their undergraduate studies.

23 Selection criteria Undergraduate academic performance Academic experience Work experience Improvement Publications Socioeconomic Level Additional Points: belonging to RUV, indigenous communities, Afro-Peruvian and native, or disability.

24 Scholarship Concepts Covered International round trip ticket English language Tuition Annual local transportation Annual Meals Annual Health Insurance Annual books and supplies Annual Housing Fees and Tuition Annual Tutorial

25 Eligible Universities You can choose between the 400 best universities in the world

26 Presidente de la República Scolarships holders by country

27 Presidente de la República Scolarships holder by gender Presidente de la República Scolarships number by call

28 Current Presidente de la República Scolarships

29 Presidente de la República Scolarships numbers by public or private institution

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