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<Progress> Brandon Roman CS300.

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1 <Progress> Brandon Roman CS300

2 What is it? When downloading or uploading content online, some sites or browsers will supply users with a bar showing the percentage and/or time of completion. The <Progress> element allows the user to show a visual representation of the progress of a task through a bar Utilizes a start and end tag: <progress></progress> Uses two attributes: Max and Value Max is used to create a specified value which represents the total amount of work Value is assigned a number which represents completion Syntax: <progress value="" max=""></progress>



5 Additional Facts First versions of each browser to support <progress> Previous to HTML5, this was hard coded using JavaScript, and is still required to demonstrate a dynamic visualization, but can easily be viewed in a static setting using the HTML element. Not suitable for representing a gauge Progress did not replace any existing HTML elements Can contain other tags except for progress.

6 Sources https://www.w3schools.com/TAgs/tag_progress.asp

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