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WELCOME!! To world geography.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME!! To world geography."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME!! To world geography


3 Classroom Rules… Respect for others, their space, and their property
Actively listening while Mrs. Marrs is talking Turn in your work promptly Always give your best

4 No food- it will be thrown away, no bugs!
No phones- if you have your phone out, it will be taken for the rest of the day No food- it will be thrown away, no bugs!


6 Supplies… Spiral notebook Folder with brads Pens


8 Grading Policy Summative grades are 51%, Formative grades are 34%, and Benchmarks are 15% Partial credit will not be given, the assignment must be complete when it is turned in Retesting is a max of 100 points and grades are not averaged together

9 Attendance Students are expected to attend all classes
It is your responsibility to check with another student for missed notes. Arrange extra help and tutorials with me

10 Tutorials They will be offered during PLC or by appointment

11 Remind101 instructions

12 SIC’EM BEARS!! Baylor Gold BA in Political Science

13 EAT’EM UP CATS!! working towards MA in Political Science


15 Baby Archer



18 Judge & Belle

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