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One of the biggest questions: Where did we come from? Why life?

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Presentation on theme: "One of the biggest questions: Where did we come from? Why life?"— Presentation transcript:

1 One of the biggest questions: Where did we come from? Why life?
Origin of Life Ch & 14.2 (p ) One of the biggest questions: Where did we come from? Why life? The early debate was: Biogenesis vs. Spontaneous Generation What do these words mean? Bio Genesis Spontaneous generate

2 Biogenesis = all living things come from other living things
Origin of Life Ch & 14.2 (p ) Biogenesis = all living things come from other living things Ok but what was the first living thing? Was there a first?... What came first the chicken or the egg? Spontaneous generation = living things can arise from non-living things

3 Redi’s Experiment: Control: meat in open jar
Origin of Life Ch & 14.2 (p ) Redi’s Experiment: Control: meat in open jar Experimental: meat in open jar covered by gauze Results: No maggots formed on meat covered by gauze. Point Biogenesis

4 Spallanzani’s experiment:
Origin of Life Ch & 14.2 (p ) Spallanzani’s experiment: Control: boil broth, leave open Experimental: boil broth, seal Results: no bacteria in sealed flask Point biogenesis

5 Pasteur’s experiment:
Origin of Life Ch & 14.2 (p ) Pasteur’s experiment: Same as Spallazani’s but he came up with a way to leave it open. Control: boil and leave open Experimental: boil and leave open but neck is curved Results: no bacteria in curved-neck flask Biogenesis wins. But we still don’t know how started.

6 Radioactive isotope dating = very accurate measurement for age
Origin of Life Ch & 14.2 (p ) 14.2 The Earth is old. Radioactive isotope dating = very accurate measurement for age Measures half-life decay = the time it takes half of the radioactivity to decay Useful for things that aren’t changing: rocks, dead things


8 Put chemicals in flask that were present in early earth
Origin of Life Ch & 14.2 (p ) 14.2 Miller’s Experiment: Put chemicals in flask that were present in early earth Simulated conditions: water, lightning…. Results: amino acids formed by themselves What do amino acids form?

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