Demand. Demand is the quantities of a particular good or service consumers are willing and able to buy at different possible prices at a particular time.

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Presentation on theme: "Demand. Demand is the quantities of a particular good or service consumers are willing and able to buy at different possible prices at a particular time."— Presentation transcript:

1 Demand

2 Demand is the quantities of a particular good or service consumers are willing and able to buy at different possible prices at a particular time.

3 Demand and want are not the same. To economists, you demand things only when you are willing and able to buy them.

4 If the price of a hamburger at McDonalds soared to $10, you would probably buy less. In contrast, if the price dropped to 50 cents, you would probably buy more.

5 Price effectPeople buy less of something at a higher price than they do at a lower price. This is sometimes called the Law of Demand.

6 Demand Schedule: Price (of Gas) Quantity Demanded $6.005 $5.0010 $4.0015 $3.0020 $2.0025 $1.0030

7 The Demand Curve is simply the demand schedule in graph form. Price will always be on the vertical axisquantity on the horizontal

8 If price is $4, how much quantity is demanded? If price is $1, how much quantity is demanded?

9 Buying Power Diminishing Personal Value Diminishing Marginal Utility Substitutes

10 If the price of a product drops, your money can buy more of that product.

11 As prices of a good rise, a person usually values the product for certain uses over others. (ex, if price of gas goes up, you will buy only enough to go on your most important trips).

12 The point reached when the next item consumed is less satisfying than the one before. How many cookies can you eat before its just too much?

13 A good or service that can replace another good or service. It may be less expensive and hold less appeal for a buyer. (substitute for gas = walking) Substitutes increase as price goes up

14 Market Demand is the sum of all individual demands in a given market at a particular time. Suppliers of goods and services must look at the entire markets demand when setting prices.

15 Your friend owns a small business, and she wants to increase her revenue. However, she doesnt know if she should increase or decrease the price of her goods to accomplish this. What should she do? Discount or Markup?

16 Take these two examples… Southwest would decrease priceNational Fuel would increase price WHY the DIFFERENCE????!!!

17 Demand curves for all products slope downward from left to right, but their shape and steepness can be quite different. The price effect is greater for some products than for others.

18 ElasticWhen a small change in price causes a sharp change, or stretch in demand. InelasticWhen the price effect is small, the demand is inelastic.

19 According to the graph on the board, which product is inelastic/elastic? At which price is total revenue (TR) for both products the same? TR = P x Q (what is the TR for both milk and cola at $1)? If the price of cola increases from $1 to $1.50, what happens to TR? Do the same for milk.

20 The elasticity of demand is different for different goods and services for the following reasons: Availability of Substitutes Percentage of Budget Time

21 When substitutes are more plentiful demand is more elastic. ExampleCola has an elastic demand because there are many substitutes for it. (Juice, other sodas, etc)

22 The bigger the percentage of peoples budget they spend on a product, the more elastic its demand tends to be.

23 The longer people have to adjust to a price change, the more elastic demand tends to be.

24 Market demand is the various quantities of a product people are willing and able to buy at different possible prices. This means the demand for a product is not one quantity and one specific price. It is all quantities at all different prices.

25 For demand to change, the entire curve must move.

26 Brainstorm with your group, and come up with a list of what factors would make you buy more or less of something if the price of the good DID NOT change.


28 If income rises, people are willing to pay higher prices for the same quantities or buy greater quantities at the same prices.

29 Demand of a product will change if the price or availability of a substitute changes.

30 Goods that are used together are called complementary goods. Example: If the peanut crop fails, the demand for jelly would drop.

31 Demand for goods can change according to season or weather. Exsales of lemonade and loganberry increase during summer.

32 Population changes in an area effect demand. More peoplemore demand.

33 Changes in fashions and designs have an impact on demand.

34 If people suddenly decide a product will be more scarce and higher priced in the future, then the current demand for that product will change.

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