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Constraints on α from B Decays at BaBar

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1 Constraints on α from B Decays at BaBar
32nd International Conference on High Energy Physics Beijing, China Constraints on α from B Decays at BaBar Carlo Dallapiccola University of Massachusetts, Amherst For the BaBar Collaboration 17 August, 2004 C. Dallapiccola, ICHEP 2004

2 Outline Introduction and Motivation History of Measurements
Time dependent CP Asymmetry in Update of Constraint on Unitarity Triangle angle a NEW! 17 August, 2004 C. Dallapiccola, ICHEP 2004

3 Motivation: Measuring a
ACP(t) in decay to CP eigenstate: Measure Tree If dominates 17 August, 2004 C. Dallapiccola, ICHEP 2004

4 Motivation: Measuring a
Penguin But...contribution from Interferes with Tree: ACP(t)  sin(2aeff) aeff = a+dapeng direct ACP ≠ 0 But can measure dapeng using isospin relations… 17 August, 2004 C. Dallapiccola, ICHEP 2004

5 Motivation: Isospin and rr
Gronau&London, PRL 65, 3381 (1990) 3 such relations (one for each polarization) Relative to experimentally simpler B  pp: Much smaller in rr system dapeng much smaller!! 17 August, 2004 C. Dallapiccola, ICHEP 2004

6 History: r+r- Observation
But r is a vector r+r- not a CP eigenstate? Transverse (h=±1) and longitudinal (h=0) helicity states Non-CP eigenstates CP eigenstate * Observation of PRD 69, (2004) * Run1-2 data (89M ) Measure BF:  5 times larger than p+p- Measure Polarization It is almost a pure CP eigenstate (CP =+1) 17 August, 2004 C. Dallapiccola, ICHEP 2004

7 History: r+r0 and r0r0 and measurements: Update of in this talk Mode
BF (10-6) fL * B+r+r0 * B0r0r0  B0r+r- * PRL 91, (2003)  hep-ex/ , submitted to PRL 89M 17 August, 2004 C. Dallapiccola, ICHEP 2004

8 ACP(t) in B0r+r- Decays
Reconstruct candidates  combine  Find vertex positions of and other B meson  Tag flavor of Compute Dt=tCP-ttag Fit params Set to 0 since fL1 17 August, 2004 C. Dallapiccola, ICHEP 2004

9 ACP(t) in B0r+r- Decays
Run1-3 data (122M ) Max. Likelihood fit in 8 dimensional space mES DE NN MV1, cos(qH)1, Dt B kinematics Event shape r masses r helicities Fit for signal yield, polarization, Slong and Clong Model: true signal, misreco. signal, continuum and backgrounds 32133 events in fit sample: 87% of background is continuum, 13% B backgrounds 17 August, 2004 C. Dallapiccola, ICHEP 2004

10 ACP(t) in B0r+r- Decays
Run1-3 data (122M )  Preliminary 314±34 Signal Events (205 tagged) fL=1.00±0.02 Events with cleanest tags mES DE Fit: total Fit: bkgd After cuts on likelihood ratio BaBar prelim BaBar prelim 17 August, 2004 C. Dallapiccola, ICHEP 2004

11 ACP(t) in B0r+r- Decays
Run1-3 data (122M ) ACP BaBar prelim BaBar Run1-2 (89M ) Hep-ex/ , to PRL Dt (ps) 17 August, 2004 C. Dallapiccola, ICHEP 2004

12 ACP(t) in B0r+r- Decays: Run4
Run1-4 data (226.6M )  Analysis in progress! Add 86% more statistics Comprehensive study of systematics due to interference of signal mode with other decays to p+p-p0p0 final states Prelim studies show it’s not large 17 August, 2004 C. Dallapiccola, ICHEP 2004

13 Search for B0r0r0 Analysis description similar to that of B0r+r-
First result from Run1-2 (89M ) Updated with Run1-4 data (226.6M ) signal observed PRL 91, (2003) NEW! mES DE Dominant Syst a1p interfer: ±7.5 events PDF variations: ±6 events B bkgd: ±5.8 events BaBar prelim BaBar prelim 17 August, 2004 C. Dallapiccola, ICHEP 2004

14 Constraint on a a Preliminary update on a constraint:
BaBar BF(r+r-), BF(r0r0) and Slong and Clong World average BF(r+r0)= (HFAG) prelim From r0r0 measurement Run1-2 result: a 17 August, 2004 C. Dallapiccola, ICHEP 2004

15 Constraints on a Using BaBar rr, rp, and pp Measurements
a from rr, rp, pp only from full CKM fit (eK, Vub, Dmd,s, sin(2b)) Mirror solutions being disfavored! From full CKM fit: 17 August, 2004 C. Dallapiccola, ICHEP 2004

16 Conclusion First measurement of ACP(t) in B0r+r- decays Limit on
Updated (2004) with Run1-3 data (122M ) Limit on Updated with full Run1-4 sample (226.6M ) Low BF allows for relatively clean measurement of a via isospin relations! Important milestone for B-Factories! Coming soon  update of ACP(t) in B0r+r- with full Run1-4 data sample and improved analysis 17 August, 2004 C. Dallapiccola, ICHEP 2004

17 Backup Slide A00 small  Grossman-Quinn bound PRD 58, (1998). Gives same bound on dapeng Use 17 August, 2004 C. Dallapiccola, ICHEP 2004

18 Backup Slide Distribution of r± helicity distributions for data
Clear demonstration of strong longitudinal polarization 17 August, 2004 C. Dallapiccola, ICHEP 2004

19 Backup Slide Constraints in the r-h plane: 17 August, 2004
C. Dallapiccola, ICHEP 2004

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