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Producers and Consumers

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Presentation on theme: "Producers and Consumers"— Presentation transcript:

1 Producers and Consumers

2 All Living Things Need Energy
All Living Things Need Energy!!! To grow, move, reproduce, everyday function

3 What is the main source of energy for life on earth?
The SUN! No sun = No life

4 Organisms Fall into two main groups depending on how they get their energy

5 Autotrophs/Producers

6 Carnivore: Eat or Meat Only!
Herbivore: Eat Plants Only! Omnivore: Eat BOTH and ! Decomposer: Use Chemicals to break apart tissue/matter Detritivore: Use mouths to eat dead and/or decaying only (nothing fresh)

7 Zebra It gets energy from grass

8 Jaguar It gets energy from capybara, sloths, deer, fish

9 Whale Shark It gets energy from phytoplankton and zooplankton

10 Lady Bug It gets energy aphids and mites (small insects)

11 Manatee It gets energy from sea grass, algae, mangrove leaves

12 Millipede It gets energy from dead/decaying leaves and trees

13 Pneumonia Bacteria It gets energy from breaking apart lung cells

14 Raccoon It gets energy from eating fruits, other plants, insects, meat

15 Pitcher Plant It gets energy from the sun and insects


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