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Speaking practice Rhymes for Shopping and Bargaining.docx.

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1 Speaking practice Rhymes for Shopping and Bargaining.docx

2 Object/Do Now Do Now Object Students learn new vocabulary and sentence patterns to make comparison.

3 比comparison structural word: compared to
Lesson 24 比一 比 比comparison structural word: compared to zuì 最the most

4 Lesson 24 比一 比 gāo 高tall(height) ǎi 矮short (height)

5 Lesson 24 比一 比 pàng 胖fat shòu 瘦thin, skinny, lean

6 Lesson 24 比一 比 kuài 快fast, quick màn 慢slow

7 Lesson 24 比一 比 duō 多many; much; more shǎo 少few, little, less

8 Lesson 24 比一 比 大big xiǎo 小small

9 Lesson 24 比一 比 cháng 长long duǎn 短short (in length)

10 Objective: Students learn to say and write date in Chinese way
…比… 比 is used to make comparisons, and the form is “ [subject] 比 [object] + [adjective]”. “ A is bigger than B” would be “A 比 B 大.” 开车比骑车快。 Driving is faster than riding a bike. 哥哥比我 高。 Big brother is taller than me. 我 比哥哥矮。 I am shorter than big brother. 哥哥比我 高,我比弟弟高,哥哥最高。 Big brother is taller than me, I am taller than little brother, big brother is the highest. Objective: Students learn to say and write date in Chinese way

11 Lesson 24 比一 比 zuì

12 Lesson 24 比一 比 gāo ǎi

13 Lesson 24 比一 比 pàng shòu

14 Lesson 24 比一 比 kuài màn

15 Lesson 24 比一 比 duō shǎo

16 Lesson 24 比一 比 xiǎo

17 Lesson 24 比一 比 cháng duǎn

18 Objective: Students learn to say and write date in Chinese way
…比… 比 is used to make comparisons, and the form is “ [subject] 比 [object] + [adjective]”. “ A is bigger than B” would be “A 比 B 大.” 开车比骑车快。 哥哥比我 高。 我 比哥哥矮。 哥哥比我 高,我 比弟弟高,哥哥最高。 Objective: Students learn to say and write date in Chinese way

19 Lesson 24 比一 比

20 Lesson 24 比一 比

21 Lesson 24 比一 比

22 Lesson 24 比一 比

23 Lesson 24 比一 比

24 Lesson 24 比一 比

25 Lesson 24 比一 比

26 Objective: Students learn to say and write date in Chinese way
…比… 比 is used to make comparisons, and the form is “ [subject] 比 [object] + [adjective]”. “ A is bigger than B” would be “A 比 B 大.” 开车比骑车快。 哥哥比我 高。 我 比哥哥矮。 哥哥比我 高,我 比弟弟高,哥哥最高。 Objective: Students learn to say and write date in Chinese way

27 比comparison structural word: compared to
Lesson 24 比一 比 比comparison structural word: compared to zuì 最the most

28 Lesson 24 比一 比 gāo ____tall(height) ( ) 矮short (height)

29 Lesson 24 比一 比 pàng ____fat ( ) 瘦thin, skinny, lean

30 Lesson 24 比一 比 kuài ___fast, quick màn 慢__________

31 Lesson 24 比一 比 duō ___many; much; more shǎo ___few, little, less

32 Lesson 24 比一 比 ___big ( ) 小smal

33 Lesson 24 比一 比 cháng ____long duǎn ___short (in length)

34 Objective: Students learn to say and write date in Chinese way
…比… 比 is used to make comparisons, and the form is “ [subject] 比 [object] + [adjective]”. “ A is bigger than B” would be “A 比 B 大.” ____________。 Driving is faster than riding a bike. 哥哥比我 高。 __________________________. _______________。 I am shorter than big brother. __________________________________________。 Big brother is taller than me, I am is taller than little brother, big brother is the highest. Objective: Students learn to say and write date in Chinese way

35 Homework/Classwork Vocabulary writing 1

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