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Costs & Expenses Supply and Demand Consumer Perceptions Competition Technological Trends Government Regulations Price gouging: price above mkt. when there.

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Presentation on theme: "Costs & Expenses Supply and Demand Consumer Perceptions Competition Technological Trends Government Regulations Price gouging: price above mkt. when there."— Presentation transcript:


2 Costs & Expenses Supply and Demand Consumer Perceptions Competition Technological Trends Government Regulations Price gouging: price above mkt. when there is no alternative Price fixing: illegal; competing companies agree to restrict prices in a specified range Resale Price Maintenance: price fixing imposed by manufacturer

3 Cost-based pricing: consider you business cost and profit objectives Demand-based pricing: find out what customers are willing to pay Competition-based pricing: find out what competitors charge

4 Flexible-price policy: allow customers to bargain One-price policy: all customers are charged same price

5 Intro.sales are low, marketing costs are high, profits are low Price skimmingcharge high price to recover costs Penetration pricing-build sales by charging low initial price to keep cost low for customer Growthsales climb rapidly, unit costs decrease, profits begin, competitors enter the market Maturitysales slow and profits peak; profits fall off as competition increases. Declinesales and profits fall; business cut prices to generate sales or clear inventory

6 Psychological Pricing Discount Pricing Prestige pricing Odd/even pricing Price lining Promotional pricing Multiple-unit pricing Bundle pricing Cash discounts Quantity discounts

7 Trade and Promotional Discounts Seasonal Discounts

8 Break-even point: point at which the product price covers costs; gives you an idea on the number of units you must sell to make a profit Formula: (fixed cost divided by unit selling price)- variable costs=break even point in units Markup: amount added to cost of product to cover expenses and ensure a profit Cost+Price=Markup Markup / Cost=percentage markup on cost

9 Standard Markup: use a standard markup percentage Markdown: lowering price a certain percentage Discounts

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