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PPT8: Common Surfaces as NURBS

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Presentation on theme: "PPT8: Common Surfaces as NURBS"— Presentation transcript:

1 PPT8: Common Surfaces as NURBS
CAP 6736 Geometric Modeling PPT8: Common Surfaces as NURBS PPT and video are due no later than March 8 Submit to: This template file is just an outline of the presentation that you need to complete. Additional pages may be necessary to fully explore the topic above. Each page should contain adequate text as well as illustrations. You are free to use all publicly available information (text as well as graphics) as long as the sources are properly acknowledged.

2 Team members’ contributions
Member [name]:

3 Part I: Technical details
For this part you will need an equation editor. You may use: MS equation editor, MathType, LaTeX, or Handwritten equations if all else fails

4 Bilinear Surfaces Suggested content:
Bilinear surfaces: control points and knots Planar as well as non-planar surfaces Example: saddle design

5 General Cylinder Suggested content: General cylinder as a sweep
Profile curve + sweeping

6 General Cylinder Suggested content: General cylinder examples
closed cylinder open cylinder general sweep

7 Ruled Surfaces Suggested content: Ruled surfaces rail curves ruling
surface form control points and knots

8 Ruled Surfaces Suggested content: Ruled surface examples
rail curve compatibility knot merging surface form several examples

9 Ruled Surfaces Suggested content: Ruled surface examples
rail curve after compatibility ruled surface

10 Ruled Surfaces Suggested content: Ruled surface examples
open and closed cones conoids artistic applications

11 Ruled Surfaces Suggested content: Ruled surface examples
the art of ruling sculptured surfaces as ruled surfaces

12 Ruled Surface via Symbolic Operators
Suggested content: Ruled surface with symbolic operators Rational curves ruled in homogeneous space Creases in parametrization

13 Ruled Surface via Symbolic Operators
Suggested content: Ruled surface with symbolic operators Rational curves ruled in Euclidean space

14 Surface of Revolution Suggested content: Surfaces of revolution
Profile curve and revolution axis Requirement of revolution

15 Surface of Revolution Suggested content:
Construction of surfaces of revolution Revolution circle knots and weights Surface control points Surface weights

16 Surface of Revolution Suggested content:
Surfaces of revolution example Control net and surface

17 Surface of Revolution Suggested content:
Surfaces of revolution examples Sphere and torus

18 Surface of Revolution Suggested content:
Surfaces of revolution examples Open surfaces

19 Surface of Revolution in Practice
Suggested content: Surfaces of revolution in practice Discrete data – profile curve – surface of revolution

20 Surface of Revolution in Practice
Suggested content: Surfaces of revolution in practice Circle of revolution with different degrees

21 Non-uniform Scaling of Surfaces
Suggested content: Scaling of surfaces Circle of revolution with different degrees Scaling factors and center of scaling New control points Example: ellipsoid from sphere

22 Non-uniform Scaling of Surfaces
Suggested content: Scaling of surfaces Example: elliptic paraboloid

23 Three-sided Spherical Surfaces
Suggested content: Corner surface problem Three-sided patch as NURBS surface

24 Three-sided Spherical Surfaces
Suggested content: Stereographic projection to parametrize the sphere Mapping planar points onto the sphere

25 Three-sided Spherical Surfaces
Suggested content: Creating circular boundaries for three sided patch Convert to Bezier form

26 Three-sided Spherical Surfaces
Suggested content: Three sided patch as degenerate Bezier surface Control points and knots

27 Part II: Design examples

28 Design Examples Suggested content:
Add design examples: images and/or videos Give credit to the designers

29 Part III: GM lab For this part of the assignment you may use an existing system, such as Blender, or write the code and visualize the result using graphics tools like Processing.

30 Geometric Modeling Lab
Suggested project: Design common surfaces using NURBS Design composite surfaces

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