(A) (B) Supplementary figure S1

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1 (A) (B) Supplementary figure S1
Survival Day 1 Entering a cage 2-DG (or water) Standard diet Standard diet High-fat diet 5 6 7 (weeks of age) (B) Day 1 Day 8 (Sampling) Entering a cage 2-DG (or water) Standard diet Standard diet High-fat diet 5 6 7 (weeks of age) Experimental protocols to examine the survival rate (A) and obtain the physical parameters and blood samples (B). 2-DG: 2-deoxyglucose

2 A B C D E F Supplementary figure S2
Standard diet HFD Effects of 2-DG on b-hydroxybutyric acid (A), lactate (B), base excess (C), pH (D), hematocrit (E) and potassium ion (F) in the 4 groups of mice. Blood samples were obtained by cardiac puncture under anesthesia at day 8 (n=7 in all groups). HFD: high-fat diet; 2-DG: 2-deoxyglucose. Statistical analysis was performed by 2-way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni’s post hoc test. *p<0.05, **p<0.01; ***p<0.001

3 A B Supplementary figure S3
Effects of 2-DG on glucose (A), and total cholesterol (B) levels in the 4 groups of mice. Blood samples were obtained by cardiac puncture in a fed state under anesthesia at day 8 (n=9 in all groups). A, Control (water) group with standard diet and high fat diet (HFD); 2-deoxyglucose (2-DG) group with standard diet and HFD. B, Control (water) group with standard diet and HFD; 2-DG group with standard diet and HFD. Statistical analysis was performed by 2-way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni’s post hoc test. *p<0.05, ***p<0.001

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