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Today’s session You will learn about Context Describing theories

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2 Today’s session You will learn about Context Describing theories
Using research findings to support or challenge theories Situational and dispositional explanations of obedience

3 Explaining obedience Agency theory Authoritarian personality theory

4 Agency theory A situational explanation of obedience
People have two ways of acting Autonomous –direct own behaviour, and take responsibility for consequences Agentic –allow someone else to direct their behaviour, pass responsibility to them People are conditioned to respond to certain types of cue with agentic behaviour

5 What sorts of cue might produce agentic behaviour?
When and where do we learn to respond to such cues agentically?

6 Evidence for agency theory
Studies have demonstrated agentic behaviour when… Authority explicitly takes responsibility (Milgram, 1963) Authority is wearing a uniform (Bickman, 1974) Authority claims/appears to have higher status than PP (Hofling et al, 1966)

7 Authoritarian personality
A dispositional explanation of obedience Adorno (1950) claims a particular personality type (authoritarian) is more likely to obey an authority Authoritarian traits: Status oriented Conventional and conformist Suspicious & hostile

8 Authoritarian personality
Harsh and punitive upbringing; little love, much punishment Fear of parents Excessively respectful of authority figures Hatred of parents Hate & anger displaced onto others Based on Sigmund Freud’s idea that the adult personality is determined by childhood experiences

9 Does Milgram’s study suggest that obedience is confined to a particular personality type?
How far do you accept that there may be a personality type that makes people more likely to obey an authority figure?

10 Authoritarian personality
High F-Scale score High obedience to authority Low SES & poor education Hyman & Sheatsley (1954)

11 Low Social Economic Status & poor education
The purpose of the F-scale is to measure an antidemocratic personality structure, usually defined by authoritarianism. Low Social Economic Status & poor education

12 Authoritarian personality
Authoritarianism is linked to having right-wing political views. Are only right-wing people obedient to authority?

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