Geography Lesson 1.

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1 Geography Lesson 1

2 At the end of this lesson. Target
I can define Geography I can identify the two divisions of Geography Best Guess no wrong answer. 1. What is Geography? 2. What are the two divisions of Geography? Share your best guess with the person next to you. Read what your partner wrote add question or comment in writing. Share with us

3 “What is geography?” What is geography? Write it down
Exchange papers with a partner, read what your partner wrote and add a question or comment in writing. When you are finished return the paper to the owner. Please share with us

4 `What is geography? Look at the Geography definition sheet.
Please Read all of the definitions first. Compare with a partner. Things to think about. What words occurred in several of the definitions? What patterns occurred among the definitions? What definition do you think is most useful? What definition do you think is least useful? Why would a social studies term have so many definitions? Partner up use your words to make a definition with your partner that sums up geography.

5 Different definitions of Geography
Definition of geography The study of Earth and the ways people interact with the Earth.

6 What do you think the two Divisions of Geography are???
Look at your definition sheet. Any more guesses? The two divisions are Human and physical Geography Human geography The study of the ways people interact with Earth Example Study of culture, migration, and population Physical Geography The study of the natural characteristics of Earth Example Study of landforms, bodies of water, vegetation, and climate. Go back to your Geography definition page. locate definitions that include both these components of geography (circle them as you find them).

7 What is Geography? – A Visualization Exercise
Read and complete What is Geography (we need to discuss any confusion.) Please ask questions Reading and Reflecting What new information did this article add to your understanding of geography and the definitions of geography? What was one thing that was hard to understand? Why was one section of the text bulleted? What are some geographic questions you have about our world? What do you think the term “global citizenship” means? Write a short paragraph describing points in the text selection with which you agree with .

8 What is the three Major questions Geographers ask and try to answer?
What is it ? Where is it? Why is it there? Choose a human characteristic in our local community. ( what is a Human Characteristic again) Bridge, shopping mall or park

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