GCSE Action Adventure Representation.

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Presentation on theme: "GCSE Action Adventure Representation."— Presentation transcript:

1 GCSE Action Adventure Representation

2 Bigger Picture

3 Aims While you are working through this PPT, make notes on the slides in your book. If you have any questions, write them down to discuss with your teacher.

4 Aims A – to be able to write analytically about the way in which characters are represented C - To be able to recognise different aspects of representation (costume, body language, speech, personality etc) and explain how they are created D - To understand that characters are created to convey meaning to the audience

5 Representation When we consider how a character is represented we need to look at: What they look like Their body-language Dialogue These are all used by the director to tell us something about the characters.

6 Representation 2 Movies often use stereotypes in their portrayal of characters A stereotype is: ‘a simplified representation of an individual based on generalisations about a particular group.’ Think of one movie of your choice. Give an example of a stereotype. How is the stereotype used to add meaning to the action adventure movie?

7 Representation 3 - Higher
There are also more subtle ways in which representations are created The amount of screen time that a character receives alters the audience’s perception of them Omissions are also important – are all heroes white, beautiful, young? Why? Think carefully about gender stereotyping in the extract – what messages is the text (the movie) conveying? What is valued by the world that the text creates?

8 Choice of actors - star appeal
The choice of actors is important for the success of a movie and for the development of the character. Often actors are chosen to add star appeal to the movie. They are well known because of their previous work. For example Schwarzenegger is well know for his role in action movies so audiences will have certain expectations of his work

9 Binary Opposites Characters in movies can often be binary opposites. This is often the case with the protagonist and the antagonist. It can also be the case with minor characters. This can be done to: Allow audiences to understand their relationship quickly and easily (often the opposites are stereotypes For comic effect Task: Can you think of a movie where binary opposites are in play?

10 Binary Opposites In Die Hard (McTiernan, 1988), binary opposites are seen between the Bruce Willis character (John McClane) and the Alan Rickman character (Hans Gruber) Binary opposites Why might directors/ writers use binary opposites for the main characters?

11 TASK Watch an extract of a film. Choose one of the extracts on weebly or Google Classroom. While you are watching take notes on the way that characters are represented. After viewing answer the following question: Discuss the representations in the extract Refer to stereotypes in your answer Use examples from the extract You might consider the representation of: age gender race and nationality Body types Class location This question is worth 20 marks so you should write at least 4 paragraphs. Refer to stereotypes in every paragraph

12 Structure Question 3: Discuss the representations in the extract
EACH PARAGRAPH Stereotype stated Examples given of how stereotype is achieved or challenged (include terminology where possible) NOTE- different structure to the Q2 responses

13 Now mark your work D/E (D 10-11 marks E 8-9 marks) B/C (B 14-15 marks
C marks) A/A* (A* marks A marks) Some examples from the text Limited terminology Some understanding of the representations Some errors with English Sound examples from the text Some accurate terminology Sound understanding of effect of using the representations Mostly accurate English Detailed specific examples from the text Accurate use of terminology Thorough understanding and analysis of the effect of the representations Accurate English

14 FINISHED? Repeat the task from slide 11 with another extract

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