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Coalition Building I: Starting a Coalition

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1 Coalition Building I: Starting a Coalition

2 What is a coalition? A diverse group of individuals and organizations who work together to reach a common goal. That goal often includes one of the following: Adapting, creating, or developing public policy. Influencing people's behavior. Building a healthy community .

3 Why start a coalition? To address an urgent situation.
To control the future of the community. To obtain or provide services. For effective and efficient delivery of programs. To pool resources. To increase communication among groups. To plan and launch community-wide initiatives. To develop and use political clout. To create long-term, permanent social change.

4 Barriers to starting a coalition
Turf issues. Bad history. Domination by "professionals" or some other elite. Poor links to the community. Minimal organizational capacity. Funding. Failure to provide and create leadership within the coalition. The costs of working together outweigh the benefits for many coalition members.

5 Who should be part of a coalition?
Stakeholders. Community opinion leaders. Policy makers.

6 How do you start a community coalition?
Put together a core group. Identify the most important potential coalition members. Recruit members to the coalition. Plan and hold a first meeting. Follow up on the first meeting. Continue with other next steps. Use general guidelines for getting a coalition off the ground.

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