Independence of Causal Influence

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Presentation on theme: "Independence of Causal Influence"— Presentation transcript:

1 Independence of Causal Influence
Representation Probabilistic Graphical Models Local Structure Independence of Causal Influence

2 . . . Pneu- monia Flu TB Bron- chitis Cough

3 . . . Noisy OR CPD X1 X2 Xk Z0 Z1 Z2 Zk Y P(Z0=1) =0 Xi=0
P(Zi=1|Xi) = Xi=0 Xi=1 Y

4 Independence of Causal Influence
X1 X2 Xk . . . Z0 Z1 Z2 Zk Z Y

5 Sigmoid CPD X1 X2 Xk . . . Z1 Z2 Zk Z Y

6 Behavior of Sigmoid CPD
w0 = -5 multiply w and w0 by 10

7 CPCS # of parameters: 133,931,430 to 8254 M. Pradhan G. Provan
B. Middleton M. Henrion UAI 1994 # of parameters: 133,931,430 to 8254

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