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The Parable of the Sower Matthew 13: 1-23

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Presentation on theme: "The Parable of the Sower Matthew 13: 1-23"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Parable of the Sower Matthew 13: 1-23
Told here by Barry Osborne but not quite as Jesus told it

2 Before the days of tractors and farm machines, seed was scattered over the ground like this

3 Jesus told a story about a farmer who went out to sow some wheat.

4 Mark Some seed fell on a pathway...
… and the birds came and ate up the seed

5 Some seed fell on stony ground and immediately it grew quickly, until...

6 The sun was too hot for it...
… and it withered and died.. Peter

7 Luke Some seed fell among weeds and thorns
… and they grew up and choked it.

8 Percy But some seed fell onto good ground and ...
… produced a fantastic harvest.

9 The disciples of Jesus asked him to explain the parable so he told them that...

10 … there are some people who hear the message of the kingdom but fail to understand it. Perhaps their hearts are too hard. Mark Time

11 Some people hear the message of the kingdom and immediately receive it with joy until...

12 Peter Out They experience persecution for their faith
… and so give up. Peter Out

13 Some receive the message of the kingdom, but it has to share a place in the heart with the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches. So they are neither hot nor cold on spiritual matters. Luke Warm

14 But some who hear the message of the kingdom, understand it, and go on in faith
They... Percy Vere

15 Jesus said, “Those who have ears to hear, let them hear.”

16 Or possibly a beginning?
The End Or possibly a beginning? Barry Osborne, Centre for Rural Mission.

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